Gardening, Gifts…and Women??

Good morning to everyone! Welcome back to Ridin’ Out the Recession in Miz Judi’s Kitchen! Well, if everybody’s doing okay today, then let’s get started this morning!

First off, let me start by saying I hope no one was affected by the severe weather the last couple of days.

We watched quite a bit of it on the Weather Channel last night, and boy it was sure ripping and roaring. Again, we hope all are fine and made it with little to no damage!

Sandra, in Mississippi, told us the worst out there missed them by 5-10 miles, thank God! She did say though, that two of the sons were still without power. Hopefully they’ll have it back on pretty quick. If not, I’d go move back in with Mama!

Well, Deb and I just came back in. We’ve been replanting skips in the garden. We were going to do this yesterday, but got tied up and only replanted the corn.

Today, we replanted the skips in the Fordhook limas, and ran out of seeds with about 50 still to replant. We’ll just whip in a Lowes or somewhere else, and grab three or four of the little seed packets to finish up. We had eight 100’ rows to redo, again not all, just skips. But I’m telling you, we’d had an awful dry period, up until the last week or so.

That dern seeder was skippin’ more than it was plantin’ it looked like, but that wasn’t the case. It did seem to be what happened, but there were far more doing well, than the skips we replaced.

You get an ole’ broom handle, and start dropping the seeds one at a time, and that takes you back to the old days! We probably used a good 2-1/2 to 3 pounds of seeds. A lot a bending and stooping, but Deb oughta’ be just fine in a day or two!

I can’t stand to see an ole’ garden with a bunch of skips in it! That’s why you’ve been seeing pictures of those dern raised beds instead of the big garden. LOL!!

Tomorrow, but probably Thursday, we’ll finish up the Fordhooks, and catch the Henderson limas too. There’s very few skips in the Henderson’s, but while we’re jackin’ around out there, we might as well throw some of those in also.

I figure if Deb’s back is already hurting, what’s another hour or two, and she’ll be done with the dad-gum thing! I tell you, I love my wife, and try to look out for her best I can!

Take tonight for example. I know she’s tired, and her back’s sore, so I’m planning on pulling up a chair in front of the cookstove for her. That way, she can get off her feet while she’s cooking supper! When she hollers, “It’s done,” I’ll probably go in there and fix my own plate tonight.

I tell you, I see far too many women out there whose husbands just don’t treat ‘em as good as they should, and I hope by ya’ll hearing how good ole’ Deb’s got it, I’m not depressing any of ya’ too much!

Love’s a two way street people, and in order for it to work out, you’ve got to give as well as take, and I promise you, dragging that chair in the kitchen for Deb is only one of the many things I do for her, and she appreciates every one of them!

I bring her things sometimes just to surprise her. Now men, if you’re visiting with us today, take note, I wouldn’t steer you wrong either. A little show of love every once in a while never hurt anybody. So take the time, and if you see something they might like…get it for them.

For example, a couple of years ago, I was at Addisons Gun Store in Kissimmee. Springfield already had their XD pistols on the market. I’d been reading up on them, and that they were coming out with an upgrade, the XDm model.

The 9mm. came out first, with a 19 shot capacity magazine, and one in the chamber made 20. I was like, oh man, I gotta have one. So of I went to see Gary Addison about getting one.

Well, we shot the s…, I mean we visited for a while, and it wasn’t long I had one in my hand. Well, match grade trigger, match grade barrel, twin magazines, pistol holster, and a couple other perks. It was boxed up in no time with Dub wrote all over it.

I thanked him, got in the truck and was backing out of the drive, and it hit me! I had done gone and bought me a gun, and hadn’t even thought about Deb.

So what’d I do? I parked the truck, went back inside and went to looking for Deb a dresser gun! I couldn’t believe I’d almost left Addison’s and hadn’t picked Deb up the first thing. Honestly, I was ashamed of myself.

I knew what she wanted, although she didn’t realize she’d wanted it till I got home and convinced her, she’d been wanting it real bad, but just didn’t know it yet!

What I got for Deb was a Taurus 410 guage, 5 shot revolver. She didn’t even realize it would shoot .45 cal. Long Colt shells too!

When I told her this she just kinda’ looked at me and said, “You’re kidding.” I said, “No ma’am I’m not, this dern thing shoots them both!”

Anyway, she loved it! But again, I had to convince her just how much she in fact, did love it! Women are strange creatures sometimes, and you have to show them that sometimes, they’d like to have things that really, they’d never thought about before! This is but one example of such.

In reality, Deb and I both love to shoot, and have a small shooting range out here on the place. Also, that Taurus 410, is an awesome dresser gun for your wife as an example. You don’t have to be a proficient marksman to hit your target. Basically it’s great for that, or as a truck gun, in a carjack situation.

They’re not worth a toot for much else, but those things, or as a little snake gun. They’re called “The Judge,” and I believe this name came about from the number of judges that had them in their courtroom. If this is not the fact, just let us know, but I have read that this is the case for the name.

Our kids like to shoot as well, and all our grandkids do too, all but the smallest ones.

The difference is most kids aren’t around them that much, so there’s an infatuation factor involved. I personally, find this bad medicine, but that’s my opinion on this, it doesn’t mean it’s anybody else’s.

I feel, and my parents and my grandparents did as well, that if the kids are brought up around guns, are allowed to shoot guns, with adult supervision, and proper gun safety taught them throughout, this takes the infatuation factor out of guns.

This prevents to a great extent, the wanting to take it out, hold it, play around with it, especially when no parents are around. A gun becomes the same thing as a knife in the drawer, a set of hedge clippers hanging in the garage, an axe, machete, or hatchet used for camping, splitting firewood, whatever.

All will hurt you, but they become second nature in the fact they all have their own use, and by being brought up around all these things, they’re looked at simply as what they are…tools or a means to protect yourself, hunting, or just plain old fun, target shooting.

Anyway, if you’d like to share any of your own thoughts on this subject, feel free. We’d love hearing back from you in regards to this!

Quickly once more to the subject of our spouses, one thing Deb cannot stand is a smart aleck!

Again, I’d surprised her with a little gift on another occasion. I bought her a 60” cut, zero turn lawn mower. For those who don’t know, these are those riding mowers with the “two sticks,”you steer them with, and if you’ve never been on one before, the first few minutes are a blast!

Well, Deb didn’t want anything to do with it, to begin with. Then I coaxed her onto it one day, and she fell in love with it. Honestly, she did!

Man, it wasn’t long she was zipping around cutting the fire outta’ some grass, and I swear, she’s got to the point, she doesn’t want me on it, literally.

Well, we’ve had it about three years now, and it’s been a really good mower, I’m well pleased. But, it went down one day and wouldn’t crank. The grass wasn’t growing real fast, it was getting on into fall, but she pestered me every day, “When you getting the mower fixed?”

This went on for a week or so, and I hadn’t fixed it mainly because it was getting under her skin.

I’m coming home one afternoon, and I’m looking down the drive and I see Deb in the front yard doing something, but I’m not close enough to tell what she’s doing. As I got closer, I saw she was evidently trying to make a point.

You men know how they are, you aggravate them enough…they’re gonna make a point to you.

That’s exactly what she was doing. She was sitting in the yard, cutting the grass…with a pair of scissors! Yes, she was!

I thought look at that kook, trying to “shame me” into fixing the mower. I also thought two can play this game!

I pulled up, got out of the truck, and didn’t say a word. I went straight upstairs, got my toothbrush, went outside and walked up to Deb. I looked down and patted her on the shoulder and handed her my toothbrush.

I said, “Honey, when you get through cutting the grass…how bout sweeping off the drive for me,” and that’s all I’m telling about that! One butt chewing is enough for me!

Thanks for coming by today, and please come back!

God Bless you all!


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One Response to Gardening, Gifts…and Women??

  1. Sandra says:

    Love the way you think Dub. You would fit right in with all the manly men in my world and my life. No matter how mad we get at them we must remember they are
    men. Who happen to be an endangered species today. I think some parts of the country are calling them Metrosexuals, whatever that means. One of Daughter’s favorite books was “Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus” think that was the name of it. She said it explained everything. You take good care of your Deb, hard working women are hard to find. And keep. No I did not read the book, I told her I was to old to start over. Thank you for your daily musings that put a ray of sunshine into your readers eyes. Do not feel bad about Deb’s gun present. I got a new blood pressure cuff for my anniversary. It’s just called men.

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