Gunshots and spring loaded windows

Good morning and welcome back to Miz Judi’s Kitchen. I hope this finds all happy and healthy.

Now as Dub told you the other day, when the bee lady came up, I went to the house and got a gun. Honestly, I did have a bad experience with a nutcase, not long after we got out here, but I got Dub and he ran him off.

This guy was a nut, and you could tell he was messed up on something, and talking crazy. He’d been going by in a car, back and forth, and Cheyenne and I were looking for arrowheads. Once he stopped, I went and got Dub off the tractor.

Since then, I’m more involved in what goes on around me.

Well, as you know, if we’re listening to our menfolk talk, they’re always making out that if anything happens, they’re going to save you. Well with this being said, I’d like to share a story with you that’s just too funny.

Gary, the guy who works with Mark, was spending the night with us. This was so Mark could pick him up the next day for work, without having to go all the way to Gary’s house to get him.

Gary’s worked for us for over three years, and helps Dub here on the place if they’re not paving. He’s spent the night with us several times before.

Gary and Cheyenne, our big and bad red nose pit (as you’ll see just a little later), were downstairs, and Dub was upstairs taking a shower. I was doing a cross word puzzle, laying across the bed, killing time until Dub got out, and we were going to take Cheyenne outside where she could use the bathroom.

All of a sudden Gary and I, heard a loud noise that sounded just like a gunshot, and close, very, very close! It sounded as if it was right at the window in the living room!

I hollered to Dub, I’d heard a gunshot close, and I took off down the stairs! Gary was already running up them, and he was all excited! He asked me, “Did you hear that?” I told him yes I had, and about that time Dub came flying down the stairs, asking had we heard a gunshot, and were we sure? Dub already had his rifle, and I’d brought down my gun and Gary a gun as soon as I heard the shot! I’m telling you, it was just right outside the house, and sounded like a cannon!

So, off we go outside to see what was going on! If you could have only seen us, boy, were we a sight to behold! You would have thought we were being attacked, and right at that moment, I wasn’t so sure we weren’t!

We looked and looked, and saw nothing at all. Then I turned around, and looked at the window. It was sitting just a little wopsided, not much, but enough to catch my eye! The window is evidently spring loaded to aid in lifting it, and it had shot out of the casing that held it in place.

After looking at in when we went back inside, we couldn’t believe what a heavy duty spring it was. It was a really large spring! Let me tell you, when that spring came loose, it did sound just like a gun going off.

The funny part of this story was after it was all said and done.

Gary and Cheyenne, our baby girl, were sitting on the sofa recliner when this happened, and that window spring had gone off RIGHT behind their heads!

Gary said he jumped straight up, and when he did, he didn’t even let the recliner down! Dub said he had no idea how Gary had gotten out of that recliner while it was laid all the way back! He just sailed right out of it!

Poor ole’ Cheyenne had jumped up and went straight to her kennel ,where she stayed the whole time we were outside! She wasn’t about to get out of it! She was plum happy right where she was at!

I am here to tell you, from here out, I’m not sure how safe I am with that bunch looking after me!

I was laughing at Gary about this today. I told him, just think, a 64-year-old man, leaping out of a recliner chair laid straight back, scared to the point he didn’t realize to let the thing down to get out of it!

He told me the only thing he was thinking was, “Feet…don’t fail me now!” Again, around this bunch…there’s NEVER a dull moment!

Till’ next time keep a smile on your face and one in your heart.

May God bless each and every one of you.


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