Logan…What an Impressive Young Man

Good morning guys! We hope this finds all doing very well in all facets of your lives!

For those that know me at all, you know if you even say hello to me, well, you’ve opened up the flood gates. For those who don’t know me, this simply means you can’t hardly get me to shut up.

This morning, a 13 year old young man did just that. Not only did he shut me up, but literally blew me away with his story.

I was awestruck…

Logan lives on a ranch, and made this call to a Christian radio station to tell of his experience. The following is the taped conversation between Logan and the DJ.

Many of you may have already seen this video. If so, it’s worth watching again. For those who haven’t, take just a few minutes to hear this young man…

If that doesn’t touch your heart, I’m not sure anything will. This young man sure touched ours this morning. I just felt we needed to share with you guys too.

Have a great day, and God Bless you and yours!

Doug and Lucky

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2 Responses to Logan…What an Impressive Young Man

  1. Oh he’s so cute. Everything is happening with a purpose. A purpose.

    • admin says:

      Hello and blessings!

      This video, after posting it, we found it came out in 2007, which immediately made me ask this question of myself…



      Seriously, even though I was about 7 years behind the times, this little guy, Logan, made my day. To hear such honesty and sincerity, coming from someone so young was awe inspiring to me. I literally was speechless and as I stated in the post, for someone to get me to the point I’m speechless is quite an accomplishment!! Lol

      I took away quite a message from that young man, and hoped it may indeed touch someone else.

      Thank you for taking the time to comment, and you are right on the money…everything IS happening with a purpose. A purpose.

      God Bless you and yours!


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