Good morning!
You know, we speak quite a bit on All Natural products and the benefits derived from them.
Here in Isaiah’s Garden we offer a product line that we feel does exactly that, gives your body benefits in so many different ways.
Most know that our products are All Natural, with no Additives or Preservatives in them at all.
What you get from say a clove of Garlic, or Honey taken straight from the hive, is exactly what you get in each bottle of our product line, Wholesome, All Natural ingredients!
From Isaiah’s Pure Natural, Isaiah’s Lemon Life, Isaiah’s Ginger Snap, Isaiah’s Pure Garlic Extract to our great tasting Isaiah’s Wildflower/Gallberry Honey, every ingredient used is 100% Natural!
Isaiah’s Pure Natural is all I’ve been taking for nearly for years now after a massive Heart Attack in June of 2008, and being placed on 7 different Prescription Heart Medications.
Since June of 2011, when I literally tossed all my Heart Meds, Isaiah’s Pure Natural has been used exclusively by me in regards to my Heart Health ever since.
The reviews back to us from people worldwide have been incredible, and played a major role in our decision to start up our company in the quest to help others in their own regard for Health Enhancement, but to do so in the most cost effective way we possibly could.
At a daily dosage rate of ONE Tablespoon per day, and at a cost of around 67 cents per day, Isaiah’s Pure Natural is tremendously cost effective, and on top of that, if you purchase 3 or more bottles, the SHIPPING IS FREE!
Here’s part of an email I received just this past week from a man who has been taking Isaiah’s Pure Natural (formerly called WE BELIEVE), for around 60 days now…
Thank you sir – after two bottles my cholesterol level dropped 132 points – I’ll order more this month of the Pure Natural and at the end of May I will have blood work done and write a testimonial for you.
Thank you again
We’ve met an outstanding young lady, named Rebekah, who has taken our products and has been using them in other ways than say…simply the tablespoon a day mentality, and began using them in her recipes.
Here’s hoping you guys have a great day, and God Bless!