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Monthly Archives: December 2013
For Unto You is Born:
Merry Christmas guys! We hope this finds all in good spirits and health. “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came … Continue reading
Posted in Ridin out the Recession
Tagged Christianity, Christmas, God, Jesus, Love, religion
We as a Nation Have Lost Our Minds:
Mornin guys…how are ya? We hope this finds all well. We’re doin fine, just been very, very busy. Not a lot of time this morning, but I just had to vent a little. Seems our elected elite have found it … Continue reading
Posted in Ridin out the Recession
Tagged America, Christianity, Constitution, Founding Fathers, freedom and liberty, God, integrity, socialism, values