Ruthie, and “Sissy’s” Cleaning Again!

Good morning to all, and welcome back once more…to Miz Judi’s Kitchen!

I hope this finds everyone happy and healthy!

As you all know it’s almost beach weather again. Dub’s Mother, sister, sister in law, and me used to go to the beach every summer. It was a trip for just us girls, to get away from the menfolk, and to do what we wanted to do, without having them in tow, and aggravating us. Sound familiar to anybody else out there?

We would go and stay a week at a time, and never having a set time to eat or anything else! We did whatever we wanted, how we wanted, when we wanted, and just had some really good times there.

Now Dub’s Mother, Ruthie, is a great, fun loving person! She loves to have a good time, but she’s also a very careful person, and stays on the “lookout” for you wherever you are!

When we’d go for a walk on the beach, or to the store, she’d always make us go in pairs, never alone. But if she wants to go somewhere it’s alright for her to go, right by herself! But not us, we had to have at least one more or she’d go to fussing!

Now none of this was meant in a bad way, she just felt that in today’s times it was better to be safe than sorry.

One day we were at the beach, and Patty and I, were going to go for a walk. She told us, “Now you girls stay together,” and me and Patty started laughing, and said, “Sure Ruthie, no problem, we will.”

You have to understand that Ruthie has this little place she goes and buys her greens from, and boy, she just brags on that they’re the best you can find! Well honestly, they are the best around, but this place is not in a very good part of town, but she’ll load up and go right by herself.

So Patty looks at her and asks, “Ruthie, why is it you can go to crack town by yourself, but we can’t even go on the beach by ourselves? She just laughs, and says, “Now you girls just go on and just do what I say.”

So off me and Patty would go, just a laughing at good ole’ Ruthie, who always was trying to look out for everybody else! We had some good times at the beach, and we did like to pick at Ruthie, and her us!

Dub’s sister Marie, now she’s a cleaning freak, and we all pick at her about it, but it’s the truth…she’s a cleaning machine, really she is!

Now when you go to the beach, it’s to relax, not do too much, literally, just have a good time. Well not that girl! She washed clothes every day she was gone. Need it or not, she washed every day, you had to watch her, or she’d have yours in the washer too. I’d never seen anything like it before!

We were all sitting there one morning, and here she comes! She had this look of pure disgust on her face, and I asked her what’s wrong? Marie just looked at me and said, “Do you know the laundry mat is closed on Sundays? That was the whole problem…the laundry was closed on Sunday! Her lip was pooched out so far, she could have climbed up on it, and rode it to town! I looked back at her and said, “You have got to be kidding me, right? So what are you going to do now…with no way of washing your clothes?” The whole time Patty, Ruthie and I were just dying laughing, about Sissy and her cleaning!

Thank you all for coming in this morning, we love having you guys stop in and see us!

God Bless, and be sure to keep a smile on your face, and one in your heart!


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