Our Children:

Welcome back to Miz Judi’s Kitchen. I hope all are doing well today. Thank you for coming back to visit with us once again.

Our Children:

I know I talked about our kids in my column before last, but I feel we all might want to spend more time talking on the subject of our children, so let’s do some of this today. Please become involved if you’d like.

We’ve had a couple of comments in the past few days that frankly, have weighed on Dub and I pretty heavily, the subject…our children and our grandchildren. It literally is heartbreaking to read other’s comments concerning their children.

To Sue, we hear you, and our heart goes out to you, but time heals all things. Young people are just that, young, and you’d be amazed at the difference a few years make. The time may have come to show a little “tough love,” it sure never hurt Dub and I, or our children either, but understand, they aren’t perfect by any means, they too have faults.

It’d be great if our kids came with a common sense version of a “How to Raise” booklet, but sadly, they don’t, nor did we.

The government shouldn’t be involved in the raising of our children, but they are now. The next question is how to get the government out of the “child raising” business! They have no right whatsoever in the rearing of our children and we as parents and grandparents need to “shout this from the mountaintops!” We have to take our children back…before it’s too late!

How do we do this? First off we have got to become ONE VOICE! This may be the single most important issue in our mission of taking back our children!

This can never happen if Sue is over here, Sandra is over there, Deb’s not in today, or Dub’s gone fishing. Once more, we have to have one voice in this issue, it is imperative!

Before we go any further, let’s look back.

If you’ve read Dub’s article, “Please Don’t Feed the Bears,” you’ll know what I mean.
This has bearing on our discussion here today. Through infiltrating our school system, becoming people of power in our schools and educational systems, the left has become literally, the teachers of our children. Just like the bears. Feeding them through handouts, or giveaways, the bears become “indoctrinated.” By teaching only half an education, the liberal view, what is this? Exactly…indoctrination.

Can our teachers, the ones who do still believe like us, discipline our children anymore? Can the bus drivers who haul our children back and forth to and from school discipline our children? The answer is no to both.

Now, let me ask you one other question, and sink this one in for a minute please. Can we as parents, the Mothers and Fathers of our children, discipline our own kids? No, not if you listen to the government!

How many parents across our Country in the past have been incarcerated for spanking their children? Not for child abuse mind you, and believe you me, I have absolutely zero tolerance for such, and to be completely honest, who does? No one in their right mind surely.

But sadly today, all our children have to do is pick up the phone, dial 911 and only accuse the parent of abuse, and the parent is in a no win situation. Too many times this ending with their own child, even all their children, being taken from the home.

So if no one can discipline the children, where does any semblance of respect come from? This is answered easily enough, there isn’t.

Hitler once said, “How fortunate for governments…that the people they govern don’t think!” I hate to say it this way, but stop and think about it!

We all make mistakes and none of us are perfect, but in reality we’re losing our children to an agenda. An agenda that’s truly bigger than we even imagine. The saddest part to all of this is we’re losing our children to a philosophy that could care less for them. They’re only being used to further someone else’s goal. When the goal is reached what happens then…to the children?

We’re to Blame As Well:

We talk about this agenda and the indoctrination of our children, but look closer to home for a little while.

You know, I will never forget when our sons were in high school. We went to pick them up one day, and I could not believe all the new trucks in the student parking lot, and I do mean, new ones! Parents what are we doing here? What could all these kids have possibly done to drive such fine brand spanking new vehicles? Even we can see a vehicle for the children five or six years old maybe, and dependable, but brand new?

Nowadays every time you see a child from ten years old, on up… they have a cell phone, and some even younger than that. I cannot understand why we are doing this. Is it because we really believe it’s helping them, or really because it pacifies them? Just because, we as parents don’t feel like dealing with the flak?

How ludicrous is it for a grown adult, a parent mind you, bowing down and rewarding an 8, 9, or 10 year old child with a cell phone, because they’d rather do that than listen to the flak? Flak…from a 10 year old child?? What has happened to the program, people…the program that has the parent as the parent, and the child as exactly what they are…the child?

We can point fingers and blame the schools, the government, and anyone else you want to put the blame on, but a lot of this blame belongs where it lays, at home. We’re a lot of the problem, as parents and grandparents not doing our job.

We’re just trying to say in our column this morning, there’s plenty of blame to go around, and a lot of work to be done. But the main thing to understand is this, it’s time for the talk to stop.

We’ve talked about the teachers, and sure, there are many out there going through the motions and basically, just drawing a paycheck. But on the flipside of the coin, there are good caring teachers who would like to see your children succeed, and become good, productive adults!

But once more we have to look to the parents. What kind of a product are we sending to school anymore? The kids haven’t been taught respect at home, morals or values at home, or even how they’re supposed to act.

Here’s one example of us not paying attention as parents. Look at the “indoctrination” of this young man. He’s literally complaining of his boss, the OWNER of the business, telling him, what to do, how to do, what he expects as the business owner, even right down to complaining that the business owner tells him what time to be at work!

He’s passing out flyers, and is a member of a socialist organization. Listen also to his solution to their problem…the boss having to understand it is a “worker’s right,” to have equal say so in a business owner’s business.

Here’s the video, but please understand that there is some very strong language being used. I do believe we all need to look at this, take a step back, look at ourselves, Dub and I included, and come up with some way, together, as one voice to combat this problem. This literally has become a priority!

This is all from no parental guidance, or any type of family unit structure.

This is the result, and once more the left sees this, and there’s no hesitation in their seizing any opportunity of taking our youth, and turn them against us. Which is basically, any and everything our Country stands for.

How is it not a right of the people, to not be able to run these types of people out of our country? Not the young man in this video, but the ones teaching such rhetoric? We have to understand as well, as parents, we have got to…spend time with our children.

Have we not stood tall against communism worldwide? Then how is it possibly condoned in our country itself. Free speech is one thing, but to preach hate, indoctrination, even revolution here in our country is absurd to me. These people hate what our country stands for literally, so why do the believers of our Constitution have to abide to such nonsense? On top of this all, we’re losing our children to their teachings.

How would you like to attempt to teach our children today? Can you even begin to imagine?

Now I have to say this, first of all we have many, many children who have been brought up right. They know the values instilled in them by their family. They know what respect is and show it. They know and realize as simply a part of life that in order to achieve something you first have to earn it, and if you don’t do right, there are consequences for it.

These are all the standards you need to become a good, productive member of society, and it’s up to us to instill these values in our children.

So all I am asking is for us the parents, to take the time show them what life is all about. If you don’t respect yourself no one else will, and life is what you make it, not what someone gives you.

You want to see a fine example of our youth today? Look no further than our military, all fine young men and women, defending our freedoms and liberties while away overseas. Many giving the ultimate sacrifice, and many, many more going through life after serving with missing body parts, while we continue to give our freedoms and liberties away right here at home. This makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?

What do you the readers feel about this problem? Are you willing to take a little time and contribute some of your own ideas or solutions? Our children are a major concern today, and don’t for one minute think the left doesn’t see this for exactly what it is. The opportunity to destroy the family unit!

If they can literally take our children and continue the indoctrination they’re being so successful with, our Republic cannot last, and honestly it is that simple!

So again, if you parents and grandparents would like to form a group of some sort to become one voice in this battle to regain the youth of our country, our children, please feel free to use our site as a springboard. We’d be happy to help out any way Dub and I can.

We can add a column, and us all swap out writing them, or just contact us with some ideas or a game plan! We’re all ears.

Till next time keep a smile on your face and one in your heart.

May God Bless each and every one of you! You’re all great people!

Deb…and Dub

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7 Responses to Our Children:

  1. David says:

    It is a very good point, the two of you make! I am trying my best to show by example, and sometimes I have a discussion with my students, and other people, about the lack of responsibility, and respect young children, and teenagers, and some older people have. I am living here in Southern China, and it is sad to see alot of children are reared by their grandparents. The Grandparents teach their grandchildren little about responsibility, morals, and respect, and spoil them to much. I am married to a fine Chinese woman, and we have a beautiful three year old daughter. Because of my Christian upbringing, I am instilling in her, along with my wife, values, responsibilty, and respect for others as best we can. And just like you in America, it is not easy all the time, but it sure is the most rewarding. If anyone would like to speak with me more on this topic, feel free. A true Canadian! David +

    • admin says:

      Good morning David. Thank you so much for commenting! Your input was very interesting especially the fact you’re living in China. Not trying in any way to be “stepping on any toes” here, only trying to educate myself, but could the fact of the lack of responsibility, and respect possibly come from the fact of the environment these children and adults were raised in? I’m just asking. The reason for this is that here in America we’re really seeing a trend of just what you’re speaking of where you’re living, and this has been going on for several years now. Parental guidance is lacking, no doubt, but here now we’re facing an agenda that is literally, “dumbing” our children down. Our educational systems continue to fall in regards to our ranking worldwide. The same agenda I’m speaking of is also out to destroy our religion, as well as the family unit. We here anymore are literally “in a fight” to take back our children, and the end result being…the continuation of our Country as we’ve always known it. Pretty cut and dried.

      We’ve created a class of people here in the U.S., based entirely on…entitlement. This has, through the course of 40 years or more, destroyed any semblance of a family unit, any desire to hold, or even look for a job. Today, to these people, will be no different than tomorrow, their souls have been taken from them…through handouts. I’m getting off the discussion of our kids just a little, but this has pertinence in the conversation as well. If grandparents, and parents have no family unit values, work ethic, pride in themselves, and their Country as well…then what is passed along to the children? Only one thing, and that is simply somebody else owes you something, and here today, this has become a demand! I wrote “Please Do Not Feed the Bears,” and read this if you get a chance. It’s an analogy of feeding the bears handouts, versus feeding the people through handouts. Anyway….

      You are to be commended in your instilling of values into your daughter. So many have forgotten the importance of this…our future lies in those little guys, and it’s up to us too see this is done.

      Please, come back to see us anytime, we’d love hearing any and all you’d have to say in regards to the subject of, “our children.”

      You take care of yourself, and let us know more about what you do, and of the area you live. I personally, and I know many of our readers would love for you too!

      Thanks David!

      Dub and Deb

  2. Sandra says:

    Good article. Watching the vidio, makes me wonder where these young people acquire their thought processes. Around the kitchen table with parents and siblings?
    I think not. Most in this age group have an enormous amount of technology to hook up to at home and even away from home, therefore they do not have to listen to parental input if any. Pop Culture and Entertainment, school systems and peer pressure is what motivate these young people. The last I looked Pop Culture stinks, the entertainment media is sleazy and if you contact teachers or school boards they become blind and deaf. Shame on you America, you are sacraficing your children to politcal correctness. The world they inherit never resemble the world you grew up in. Start now and unplug your children, deny them access to what is harming them the most. Demand they read books, go to church and participate in clean activities. Know what they are being taught in schools. You might be surprised. All parents are busy working so their child can have a higher standard of living than the did. The standard may be higher but the price is much greater. Whether willing or not you are now paying the price. Don’t know who Sue is, but kick in here Sue.

    • admin says:

      Hello again, Sandra! We agree with you 100%. There is an enormous amount of technology today, and in most ways it’s very useful, but in the same breath, in many ways it’s very, very harmful! Our “leaders” are very aware of this, as most of us now know. Egypt, maybe…what do you think?. Good article Judi had done on McCain and Lieberman in the CFP.
      We can and should allow our children access to today’s technology, but also keep a very close eye on what it is they are doing in regards to this, and with limits. Pay attention!Why can’t their computer be located in the living room. On top of this, if they want all the other high tech gadgetry, how about demanding this comes through, please forgive me off such an “old-fashioned,” and backwards remark…get a job and buy it with THEIR OWN MONEY! Go to work and realize a penny saved is still a penny earned. This is one problem…NO WORK ETHIC!
      Yes indeed Sandra to your remarks concerning getting back involved in the Churches, and the demand they read books! We as parents are the main culprits in many cases, by simply “indoctrinating ourselves” as to “not having enough time.” Make time! They’re our children first off, secondly, what they end up being is going to play a big, big part in our Republic continuing to survive. That’s the bottom line. Children and Country, or No Family Unit and No Country to boot? This is our decision.
      Set aside family time and use it as just that. No one can make us do anything in regards to any of this. This is something we have to want to do. Please everyone, if you feel the same as Sandra, Deb and I, and many more like us in regards to this subject, come in and get involved, help us out! Let’s all put our heads together and save the family unit. Let our children know we love them, and not the ones pretending too. It is an agenda that they need to be made aware of! Get involved! C’mon Sue, throw in your two cents!

      • Sandy Grant says:

        Oh have I found my group………….I am not very good at expressing myself but all of the above comments I hold in the highest regard. We raised our family as such and they are very sucessful and we are so proud of them because they are raising their children as such. They have made them selves very technology savy and the kids are not able to pull anything over on them because they are locked out. God Bless us all………

  3. Rev. Dr. Michael D.D. says:

    LMAO, oh gosh make it stop I can’t catch my breath. Just watched Rob Lewis’ comment on the takeover of Noodles. Hey Rob here’s a thought for you! Try starting your own business and then let your stupid dishwasher and cracksomethinorother waitress run it into the ground for you. That’s what is wrong with socialism it doesn’t work. Look at California, they are being over run by people that are telling the government how to do it’s business.
    Maybe the owner of Noodles should fire the whole lot of them. I’m positive he can find a bunch of people that would love to have a job right now and who would actually do what they are told and enjoy it.

    It’s about time to draw a line in the sand and let all the brain dead socialists live on there side of the fence and the smart working class can live in the free Republic.

    God help us.

    • admin says:

      Rev! Where ya been? looks like you’d answer an e-mail or something!! LOL!

      Yessir, if you just look around, only a little is needed, you can see we’ve got a “tight handle” on our youth these days, huh? Indoctrination, instead of education, one of our problems. Another is as Sandra said, “”Grab the reins parents and parent.” Listen up folks, that’s GOOD advice! I think that was worth repeating!

      Yea, how about the literature he was showing the camera man? From Cairo to Wisconsin?? International Socialists?? Have top keep our eyes wide open, I’m telling all, these people condone violence…they do! Anyway…

      Thanks Rev. Mike! Good hearing from you, buddy! Come back and see us again…Ya hear? How bout…Yankee kills family pet?? Lol!

      Dub and Deb

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