Please Don’t Feed the Bears!

Good morning to all you guys this morning! Welcome back once again to, Ridin’ Out the Recession. Thank you all so much for coming.

You already know that in all honesty in this part of our column I like to cut up and try to make you guys laugh a little, right? Well, I feel personally, that laughter adds years to your life, and I believe that to be very true. I enjoy a good laugh, and absolutely love making somebody else laugh. To me, there are very few things more satisfying than simply that.

But in the last few days we’ve gotten several comments, two of which have stood out to Deb and I, both being in regards to our children today. Well, Deb’s all over those, and this got me to thinking as well, not only of our children, but basically our Nation as a whole.

If you guys wouldn’t mind, I’d like to ditch the humor today and share a few of my thoughts on…well you’ll see where I’m going with this very shortly.

How many of you have ever been into one of our Country’s National Parks? Probably most. Many of our Parks are literally a token of God’s love and instill the beauty of his creations into us as well.

You have to concede that places like the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone, show that in reality we as humans are very miniscule in the grand scheme of things. This shows me, there is literally a greater power around us, far more so than any simple human, though in fact many leaders worldwide have elevated themselves to such status, through their own eyes though.

We hear these same leaders proclaiming, “Listen to us, we know best! We’ll take care of you, and see that everyone has…social justice!

Now this is just me, but the “social justice” our politicians speak on today is, uh, let me see how to put this…maybe taking from the producer and then giving it to a non-producer? Yes, I believe this is their thinking on this subject…”social justice.”

I don’t know how the rest of you feel, but I think when you take away something from a man who is working to provide for his family, turn around and give his hard-earned money to another man and his family, many of whom haven’t worked for generations now, then how about calling it what it really is…“social injustice!” I think that is a much more appropriate description, don’t you? Actually I was pretty lenient in my new description as well

Please Don’t Feed the Bears!

Upon entering many of our National Parks you don’t drive very far before you start running up on signage. Not the stop, go, yield variety, but actual warnings such as…Please Don’t Feed the Bears!
I know here in Florida on many lakefronts there is similar signage posted which reads…Please Don’t Feed the Alligators! You all have seen these signs before, if not in person, then on television, right? Okay.

Why in the world have these warnings or signs been put out for all to see? Is it just another waste of taxpayer money, or actually very good advice, and something that we should all heed? Let’s break this down just a little and then see for ourselves, it shouldn’t be too complicated I wouldn’t think.
First, I don’t think it needs to be broken down into a bear and alligator discussion, though different, they are both very similar in one very big way…they can eat you!

This signage is number one for your protection. You start feeding the bears, gators, then you become at risk. This is simply because of them associating humans as a source of food. They see you they think oh, let’s go over there, they’ll feed us.

The possibility then exists of maybe you had no intention of feeding them in the first place, and all of a sudden you’re in a life or death confrontation. The wildlife, through past experience, had become accustomed to being fed…by humans. So if you don’t continue this cycle, you stand the very real risk of all of a sudden of not being the source of food, in turn this then angering the wildlife, and you literally becoming a part of the food chain.

This whole chain of events becoming possible through indoctrination, with the wildlife becoming indoctrinated through continued human contact via feeding.

Another reason of Do Not Feed the Bears signage is a whole new adaptation in regards to their lifestyle. Wild animals are just exactly that, wild. They hunt, fish, or scavenge for their food. This has been done for hundreds of thousands of years, and their bodies have adapted through all these years allowing them to become the total predator package. In their environment, they’ve become the very best at what they do, why…survival of their species!

By us continually feeding these animals we are undoing literally centuries of talent, and knowhow in regards to their survival. We’ve disrupted the natural cycle, and through this we’ve all seen through documentary television the results.

Bears no longer foraging in their natural habitat, but living off out of garbage dumps, breaking windows in vehicles to get at food left in cars, breaking into homes for the same reason, and the results from our ignorance of “feeding, or indoctrinating” these animals? Way too much human, bear contact, often with tragic consequences. Why? Because we’ve changed a whole lifestyle and indoctrinated a species into looking for, or talking handouts for their very existence! The destruction of a species.

So actually I have to take my hat off to our officials in regards to the wildlife in our Nation, on this subject anyway. We cannot let a species be destroyed in such a pathetic way! the taking of their dignity number one, the destruction of any motivation to go out and hunt or scavenge for their meals, as they should and always have, and finally the danger factor involved that would indeed be inflammatory, once the handouts are stopped. Good job, Uncle Sam!!

Please Do Not Give Government Handouts

Sounds harsh doesn’t it? But you know what, I believe when you’ve heard me out it may sound quite different. You see we have an analogy here in regards to the factor of humans compared to wildlife, as both are considerably different. BUT, though quite different we shall see in this column some startling similarities.

The first of these being, our government sees the destruction of our Nation’s wildlife coming through the feeding of it by human “handouts,” and I wholeheartedly agree with them on this issue. If we do this we put ourselves in grave danger of them biting the hand that feeds them.

Is it not exactly the same in regards to entitlements, taking from one and giving to another through our tax dollars? You betcha’ it is. A handout is a handout, no matter how you cut it. Guess what, you try and stop it, and it HAS to be done, you’re going to see these very same people trying to bite the hand that’s been feeding them! You and I, the taxpayers of this Country!

So, what our government has been doing by furnishing non-producers, or as Alinsky says, the “have-nots,” been dangerous? Yes it surely is, and about as inflammatory as it gets!

Does Alinsky not explicitly state the have-nots should take from the haves, yes he does, and this is advocated by our own government any more. Ah, let’s get a nice little name for it…social justice, or redistribution of wealth! This is communism, don’t we understand this? How dangerous is that in regards to life as we know it? Why it’s simply the destruction of our democracy, that’s all!

But we’ve been “feeding the bears” people for over 40 years now, and as our President’s (former, you know, they don’t speak anymore) spiritual advisor Rev. Wright likes to say, “The chickens have come home to roost!” In regards to the taxpayers of America, they surely have!

We’re letting them destroy capitalism, one of, if not the most important thing in our Country, and this used to be our most important draw for immigrants, the right to better themselves and their families! Not today, because our politicians want them to come, get on entitlement programs, then you and I can feed them like bears too, through more handouts!

By us continually “feeding the bears” wouldn’t you think our politicians would have seen the danger of doing so, just as sure as they recognized the dangers of doing this with our wildlife? Of course they did, and still do!

This is their agenda, buying of votes, and their knowledge that by doling out just a little mind you, to the clueless, will guarantee their political future for decades! Power, greed, and the selling of their very souls for it. Do you think for one minute, that if these people will literally sell their own souls for these things, they have one iota of concern for you and yours?

Listen to Alinsky speaking on this very subject! “Lest we not forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom—Lucifer!

So it is fact that the disciples of Alinsky, and his ideals condone the selling of their souls, in their quest of the ends justifying the means! Remember, many, many of our politicians today advocate these teachings, and literally are disciples of Alinsky. Two of the more prominent, our President and Secretary of State, that’s all.

Also by feeding the bears, just take a look at what it’s done to a large segment of our people! Absolutely destroyed any semblance of a family unit, respect for themselves or others, pride in bettering themselves and helping out their loved ones, and most of all taken any type of work ethic and wiped it from their minds. This is the devastation of a species, and a world as they used to know it, all through the guise of our politicians declaration of, “We’re for you, you’re entitled, we’ll see you get your slice of the pie!”

If handouts, in our politician’s eyes, ruin the chance for bears, gators or any other wildlife group to sustain the lifestyle they’ve always lived, what’s up in their regards for the people?

We sacrifice to have what we’ve accomplished in our lives. What have the have-nots sacrificed? Well not a lot except in regards to their personal dignity. But what a major price that is, because they’ve literally sold their souls. It also seems what little they’re given is fine, because it’s free, a handout.
Just like the bears, voting time comes around, or you want to have a presence at a rally, even going so far as surround an executive’s home with his 14 year old son, the only family member there at the time, to intimidate, what do you do…just feed the bears!

But what gets me is their total obedience to these same leaders they vote back into office time and time again, but pay no attention to how their elected officials are living! That just bothers me to no end. They’re leaders continually tell them that their whole goal is looking out for them, and these people follow no further than just that statement.

The Clinton’s proclaiming for years and years, their fight and concern for the poor. Well, after all these years fighting for them, has the poor people’s lives changed? Nope, the ghetto is still the ghetto, the drug problem, teenage pregnancy problem, the prison incarceration problem, and the dropout rates are well, still problems. Have they even gotten better from a percentage STANDPOINT? Nope, just feeding the bears.

So what have the Clinton’s really been fighting for besides elite status for all these years. The poor people they’ve claimed to have been fighting for are still poor. But the Clintons just had a wedding for their daughter not too awful long ago, which came with a little heavier price tag that what you or I would normally spend.

Where’s this “social justice,” they keep promising…or, are they just feeding the bears?

This wedding, though I’m not sure of the exact cost, but numerous reports of over 2 million and some stating upwards of 5 million. This is a fine example of our elites tightening their belts in such tough times, as “we the people” are living in, but an even finer example of the complete bull being fed to their constituents. By the way, I believe it to be ending in divorce…millions spent on what, a wedding lasting 6 months or so?

One more example of when you can draw from a bottomless pit, who needs fiscal responsibility? Shoot, just look at their personal lives and how they throw their own money away, how could we possibly think they’d be fiscally responsible with ours? Are we all crazy, anymore, I mean have we lost our own minds allowing such as this to take place…everyday?

But again, as the wildlife through protection by our elected officials, are not allowed handouts for fear of being indoctrinated. Thus destroying their ability to control their own lives, or even lose their way of life, even concern of losing their entire species!

This is so mind boggling to me from this point of view in regards to our entitlement, welfare, handout, or giveaway programs… all put into effect by our government officials, and the reasoning behind them so obviously clear! The literal destruction of our way of life guaranteed us by our Constitution and our Founding Fathers!

These elected officials have thrown our Constitution out the door, have absolutely no regard for anybody, or anything, except themselves. We should all live the same, of course, why would we think differently, after all, this IS what social justice is all about! Feeding the bears!

Their whole goal for people like you and I, the producers, is control…total control. The loss of America as we know it is no big deal to them, just part of the plan, where the ends justify the means! Power, Power, Power…

So, in closing, how long are we going to continue on… just feeding the bears? These very same bears, that when they’ve eventually gotten all they can get from us, when there’s absolutely no money left for us to give, are going to turn on us, essentially biting the hand that has fed them for so long!

You might want to take a quick look up towards Wisconsin as another example of what I’m saying here today. Our States are going broke, many already are, our Nation is printing money and is already trillions of dollars in debt.

We’re asking the public sector, and the unions, “Look guys, we can’t sustain this, let’s put limits on collective bargaining, you need to start contributing to your own healthcare, and retirement packages.” Their answer, “You just try to stop feeding the bears!!”

No concern at all that this can’t keep up without dire economic consequences, and breaking the back of the taxpayer in the process. Indoctrination of the bear is no good, but indoctrination of the people, now this is just what the doctor ordered in regards to our government, by…feeding the bears!

Thank you guys so much for coming today, Deb and I really appreciate it. God Bless all of you, God Bless America, and God Bless what’s left of a free World!


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