Well, today we’ll be picking the last of our corn. Once it’s picked, we’ll cream it like we’ve been doing. I’m telling you I don’t know if there’s anything Deb likes better than creamed corn…’cept me maybe!!
After we pick it, we’ll pull it up and take it to the cows. It is so dern dry around here the grass looks as if it’s had a hard frost on it. Seriously, it looks that bad. We’re awful dry, especially for this time of the year.
Matter of fact it’s been so dry around here lately, the trees are bribing the dogs! June starts our rainy season, but for some reason we’re just not getting any rainfall.
We’ve been going to fertilize the pastures for the last month or so, but right this minute there’s just no need. I’m holding off until we see a little rainy pattern start up.
So, with the shape the pastures are in, the cows will enjoy these cornstalks for sure. I usually just turn them into the garden and let ‘em knock themselves out eating, but the limas are still doing pretty fair so we’ll just pull the stalks up, and haul them to the cows. Service with a smile!
Speaking on the garden this morning, our tomatoes are like yours, Sandy. It’s so blame hot it’s just scalding them. Our eggplants we’ll probably pull with the corn today, the heat is so bad they pretty much stay in a wilt, and the eggplants now are soft, even on the vine.
Once again though, the evenings, right before dark, are still fairly nice. We’ve been catching a breeze the last several evenings and it has rained close enough to us it’s cooled it down some. But during the day, dad-gum it is really, really hot.
It’s so hot that Deb and I were uptown last week, and saw a funeral procession pulling into a dern Dairy Queen! I’m telling you, that’s hot!
All jokes aside though, we are needing rain in the worst way. It’s to the point at the moment, that we’ll not be planting anything else in our garden until we start getting some rain, even okra.
This will give us the opportunity to start using some of our compost we’ve been generating. Once we start cleaning up the garden area, we’ll start going back with our compost, at least as far as we can. I’m really anxious to see how our plants do in the areas we will be able to use the compost on.
This is now beginning to break down good, and I believe from just looking at the finished product, this will work out nice. Again, I’m biting at the bit to try it out.
Probably after spreading the compost in the garden, we’ll lightly till it in, just enough to mix it some. Maybe two to three inches deep. If any of you out there have been doing this, we’d appreciate you letting us know if what we’re planning on doing will indeed be the right way of going about it.
Once more, as far as using compost I’m a rookie, so I’m by no means professing to be something I’m not. So again, if you have suggestions, I promise you, we’re all ears.
One thing I hate is it looks like Deb’s gardening is about through for now, due to her chemo treatments. Sad but true. She’s been told to not be in the sun very much at all until her treatments are behind her. I’m considering buying one of those generators with a bank of lights on it. This will enable her to get out in the garden at night. You know, hoeing, weeding and such! Dern, do I take good care of that girl, or what?
Depending on the rain situation, this will determine if we turn the cows in on the beans once they’re through making. If it still hasn’t rained, we’ll just let them in the garden. If it has started raining by then, we’ll have already planted okra, and they won’t be able to get into the garden area.
If they can’t, we’ll do the beans just like we did our string beans. Pull the plants up, get what few beans off we can, strip the leaves off the plants, and let them lay in the garden…right where they were growing.
The stalks and roots we’ll load onto the gator, and take them to the cows. They don’t care so much whether they “dine in or take-out,” just as long as they get the opportunity to simply dine, period! They’re kinda’ like me in that regard.
The ole garden has been good to us this spring, even though it didn’t receive the care from us it normally gets. The “Deb thing” cooled our jets when it came to having much time to spend in the garden.
But through the not really neglected by any means, but simply not being attended to as it should have been, the dern thing has done very well, especially when you consider how dry it’s been, too. It really blessed us with good food, and plenty of quantity to can quite a bit of it as well.
You guys may get tired of hearing this, but once more, if you want a good investment for your buck in these kind of times, buy food. This is but one other area in your daily lives that you’re probably going to see start being pretty expensive, mark my word.
Food today, is really, really a good investment for you and your family. I’m sure most have already been seeing the food prices going up. I only see this as being the trend for quite a while, though if we all had a crystal ball life’s decisions sure would be simpler, huh?
I’m only saying that the economy sure doesn’t look very good to me, and I don’t see anyone in our government doing anything to help out in this regard. People who have a business just don’t have too much faith anymore in what lies ahead.
Fuel prices, grocery prices, light bills, the housing market continuing to have value steadily declining, and far too many home owners today under water in regards to their purchase price versus today’s market value.
While we’re just touching on the economy, let me give you just a few examples of what I’ve been seeing and hearing lately…
It doesn’t help when you see McDonalds unveiling their new product…”the quarter ouncer!” I mean that’s a big confidence booster, huh?
Deb and I were watching an Ethiopian channel the other night that had a “Sponsor an American child” commercial on??
I was eating at a fast food the other day and overheard three women at a table talking among themselves. They were all claiming they were actually having sex with their husbands again. They claimed the economy had gotten so bad…they could no longer afford batteries!
I had a friend tell me last week that the economy was so bad…a picture is now worth only 150 words.
I’ve heard the economy in New York has gotten so bad, the mafia are now laying off judges.
Last but not least, the economy is so bad, Motel 6 now refuses to leave the light on for ya!
We hope you were able to grin a little today. The ability to laugh sure makes a difference in our lives, and hopefully they do in yours as well. I firmly believe that laughter does indeed add years to your life!
Thank you guys for dropping back in to visit with us, and may God Bless you, and yours!
As Deb says, “Keep a smile on your face, and one in your heart!”
Dub and Deb
Okay, you guys are breaking my brain! I can’t believe you’re done with your corn IN JUNE!! My neighbour’s corn isn’t even 2 ft high yet. Folks just started mowing their lawns a couple weeks ago.
Wish we could send you some of the water that’s flooding Manitoba and Quebec these days. Likely another write-off for a lot of farmers this year.
Good thing I wasn’t drinking anything while reading about your economy, or I’d be having to clean my screen! *L*
Joking aside, I’m feeling very greatful right now. Here in Canada, we never got hit as hard as you folks down south, and we’re already into recovery from what downturn we’ve had. For all our media complains, we’ve had good government handling, for the most part (we never should have had a stimulus package, but they were forced into it, then got blasted for the debt by the same people who forced the debt. ). Our government is still spending more than it should, but we’re doing very well, all things considered.
Seeing what’s happening on your side of the border is very worrying, and I just don’t see any sign of it getting better. So many are suffering for it (and not just the ladies who can’t afford batteries anymore! *L*). Of course, with our economies so closely intertwined, what happens to you affects us. It’s sad to see this happening to such a great country.
For many years, I’d seen people moving from Canada to the US for better economic opportunities. This was especially true in my husband’s like of work (he’s in the IT industry). Even before the meltdown, I was seeing that trend reverse. My husband frequently had recruiters trying to lure him to the US, but we stayed mostly for family reasons. A lot of people he worked with took the jobs, only to come back within a couple of years. Now I’m hearing more and more people actually avoiding the US completely, not just for jobs and business, but even for visiting and shopping. :-/ Considering how strong our dollar is right now, that’s quite the shocker.