Dub and his ice cream!

Good morning and welcome back once more…to Miz Judi’s Kitchen!

I hope this finds everyone healthy, and happy! As for me, well I’m just fine, because we have one beautiful day outside! It was kind of cool this morning, but the day has turned out absolutely perfect! Spring has sprung!

So, I thought I’d pick at Dub today, since I haven’t done much of that lately, he’s due! So, you better look out today, Dub.

Ladies, you know men are always asking you where something is, right? It’s like they have no legs, or feet, that will enable them to go look for themselves, or it is around this household anyway.

Now I’m telling you all, I do believe that Dub has to be the worst about this type of thing, if not, then boy, I sure feel sorry for the lady that has to put up with that! If Dub’s not the worst, then he’s bound to be first runner up!

He’ll be upstairs, and yell down for me to bring him up something! Or he’ll ask me,” Hey, do you know what I did with this, or do you know what I did with that? Now, I may have just went downstairs, not five minutes before, but do you think he could ask me while I was up there with him? Nope!

I really think he just likes to see me run up and down them stairs! The other day, as usual, I had just went back downstairs and he called me, “Hey Deb, come here just a minute,” so here I go, right back up! You know what that man had the audacity to ask me?

Now get this, he said, “Do you know what I did with my glasses?” Well, since he’s getting on up in age some, he does need his glasses to read. Now understand, I don’t belittle the man needing glasses, okay?

What ticks me off with him, is that since he now does need glasses, I want everyone, HIM INCLUDED, to know that simply, THEY’RE HIS GLASSES! Dub’s glasses, so why can’t HE keep up with them…at least part of the time?

I get up to the top of the stairs, look in the office, and there he sits. I take a quick look at him and said, “Are you serious?” He says, “Yes, I’m serious, have you seen my glasses?”

Now take a guess where the man’s glasses were? You got it, sitting right there on the top of his head! You reckon I might have spoiled that man too much? Looking back, I’ve got nobody to blame but myself…Momma tried to tell me, but no, I wouldn’t listen all them years back!
Oh what the heck, since I’m telling this on him, I might as well tell you about the time he lost his cell phone.

We hunted that phone for hours, and we couldn’t find it anywhere.

Now everyone that knows Dub, will tell you guys flat out… you don’t get between Dub and his ice cream! Well, right before he lost his phone, guess what he’d been doing? Eating ice cream!

So, I asked him, “What was the last thing you remember doing before the phone came up missing?” This was his response, in his own words…”eating ice cream!”

I immediately went to the freezer and started looking around, thinking he might have laid it on a shelf. But, I didn’t see it anywhere. Don’t ask me why, but then I thought to myself, “I know it can’t be there, but I’m going to look anyway!”

Sure enough, I opened that half gallon of ice cream, and there it lay! The man had laid his phone down in the ice cream container, closed the lid, and put everything back in the freezer! This is why you have to understand if you were ever to visit it with us…do not, I repeat, do not get between Dub and his ice cream!

Do you know that phone worked just like it always did when we got it out? He complained for a while about the number four sticking when dialing a phone number. But after I’d given him an aggravated look or two, steady reminding him, that he had indeed left it in the ice cream, he quit even bringing that up again!

Well, I guess I’ve picked on him enough for one day. I can tell you one thing, life is never dull when you have a man around that loves to laugh, and loves to make you laugh with him! I know I am blessed to have Dub, because he loves to laugh, and make others around him laugh as well!

I hope this story, makes you stop and laugh a little bit today, because God knows we all need a good laugh every now and again! As Dub says, “ It adds years to your life!”

So till next time, keep a smile on your face and one in your heart.
May God bless each and every one of you!


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