Jus Shootin’ the Breeze

What’s up my friends? I don’t know about you guys, but dad-gum if I wasn’t getting tired of just saying “Good Morning!” I needed a change of pace, so…what’s up!

I still want to tell you all hello, and that we hope all goes well with you and yours! Also, thank you for coming back in to sit with us awhile.

Kunoichi had a comment yesterday I found interesting about Goliath frogs. We had been talking about invasive species, and she brought up these frogs.

She and Bonnie had been having a discussion on the Melaleuca Tree here in Florida, and I jumped in, though once again, if you ain’t real careful you’ll put your foot in your mouth as these two, and several other of you guys, are pretty sharp cookies!

Anyway, I found the goliath frog she was talking about pretty interesting, especially when she was talking about baby ducks swimming, well, let her tell it…

“Sometimes you’d see a mother duck with her ducklings swimming along behind her when suddenly *bloop* one of the ducklings would disappear.
Yes, these tadpoles are big enough to grab ducklings from underneath and eat them! They were decimating the waterfowl populations.”
WHOA…..these dern ducks weren’t being eaten by the frogs, but by the frog’s offspring…the TADPOLES??

Kunoichi, did you look closely at the man that was tellin’ you this? I mean, were his eyes red, or did he smell of alcohol, or was he even acting coherently?

I’m just picking at you Kunoichi, and you know it, really!

It does remind me of the time we were fishing in the St. Johns, and Deb caught a 7-1/2 pound bream! Everybody wanted to know what she caught it on, and she told ‘em a 4-pound grasshopper! Shoot, just the picture weighed almost ½ a pound!

We had an ole bird dog one time used to run the whole covey a quail down a gopher hole, the whole covey! Everybody when they saw it the first time thought my ole dog was crazy, and they’d laugh at me and my dog both.

That is till ole Junebug would lay down beside that dern gopher hole, then she’d throw one paw over it so they couldn’t get out. She’d then lift her paw up every so often and let one quail out at a time. She did this… so we could shoot singles!

Once that started taking place, they was liking ole Junebug just as much or more than I did.

So as you can see Kuniochi, I have no reason at all to NOT believe there’s dad-gum tadpoles out there swimming around, that could swaller baby ducks! I’m just going be a lot more careful with our grandbabies around the water though, I’ll tell you that much! LOL!!!

Anyway I’d told ya’ll yesterday that Deb likes to tell me, if you put my brain on the sharp edge of a razor blade, that it’d look like…a BB rolling down a four lane highway! Evidently Kunoichi thought that was pretty funny.

Here’s what she had to say, and I was tired of talking about them ole Goliath frogs anyway, especially when someone has something nice to say about ole Dub!

Oh, after reading this post, I just wanted to say how much I love the way you guys turn a phrase. I love the BB on a razor blade comment. Your writing is an absolute delight to read! I feel like I’m sitting next to you, hearing you talk.

Turn a phrase you say? Shoot Kunoichi, when you’re just an ole redneck who’s lived in Central Florida most all your life, that ain’t “turning a phrase”…that’s just plain every day communicating! I don’t know of any other way to express it, it just comes out like that!

You might like another example of “turning a phrase,” something along the lines of, “busier than a one legged man at a butt kickin’ contest,” or as is my case in regards to Deb. “It’s hard to kiss the lips at night, that chew your a.. out all day long!”

“We was so poor growin’ up, that we used to go down to Kentucky Fried Chicken just to lick other people’s fingers!”

Granddaddy used to say after eating something hot or spicy, “I’m gonna have to sh.. in the creek, just to keep from settin’ the woods on fire!”

Kunoichi, thank you for the great compliment in regards to our writings, we appreciate it, it makes our day! In regards to you feel as if you’re sitting next to us hearing us talk…you are!

Thank you for reading, and thank you even more for sharing with us all your own knowledge, thoughts, and experiences. You are a great help to Deb and I both, along with everyone else. So the compliment really belongs to you.

Now, you thought you were going to get away clean this morning, didn’t you Bonnie? It ain’t gonna happen.

Again, if you other readers don’t read the comments provided by our readers, you literally are missing out on a wealth of information, as this is the case in many instances! As an example, Bonnie was asking about Cowhorn okra.

Here’s Bonnie…although it’s not REALLY Bonnie…Hey, don’t look at me, I don’t know who it is!

“Dub, I was just wondering if you knew much at all about Cowhorn Okra. Steve and I are fixing to set out some seeds we’d gotten recently, and about all I know is it is supposed to be a very old strain of okra, and with this being the case, we’d like to save some of the seeds.

Now, even though I remember, Steve is far too young to remember any of this hisself. Anyway, they were passing out this type of okra seeds back during the war.

They were literally going through the streets and tossing these packets of okra seed to the people. This was for the general public to grow their own “Victory Garden,” and help feed their families, while most of the big farm raised vegetables were being shipped to our troops during the fight.

Although I was pretty young at the time, nine to ten years old tops, I remember it vividly because of who tossed the packet of Cowhorn Okra seeds that I happened to catch, again for the war effort. There he was, sitting astride his beautiful horse Traveller, and for those who haven’t already caught on, my packet was tossed by none other than General Robert E. Lee himself! Riding right beside him, was General Jeb Stuart, and now you can see how this has stayed etched into my memory for all these years!

What a grand day it was, and how fortunate to once again run across Cowhorn Okra seeds. I just wanted to share this with everyone today.”

Now Bonnie, before you latch into me, I have a confession to make. It was your brother Denny who told me the tale of his daughter, and your niece, that made the call to ask you about the Civil War.

Denny told me his daughter was doing a report on the Civil War, and Denny said he told her, “Why don’t you call your Aunt Bonnie, and ask her about the war. Shoot, she was there during this time and ought to be a treasure trove of information to you, as once again, she was there.”

I was then told she made the call. So, supplied with this info, I decided I’d pick at you a little this morning as well! Thanks Denny! I’ll be talking to you again soon!

Kunoichi, Bonnie, you guys are great! To all of our other readers, you guys are all great as well, we love you all! Through some tough times you have all provided us with happiness, love, and even peace of mind that only good friends are capable of supplying.

I have to tell you though, I don’t know what I found in Kunoichi’s and Bonnie’s comments that was so funny to me, but honestly you guys don’t know how much better you made me feel today.

It wasn’t a particularly good day from the get go. But by being able to pick out some things that for some reason I found to be humorous that you were talking about, this allowed me to pick at you both some. I really, really needed a laugh today and you two allowed me one, thanks again!

There was nothing at all meant by anything I said, and I know you already know this, without my saying anything. But…you both may feel free to “take your best shot at me,” because you now have one free pass! I can take it as well as give it…I think, so fire away!!

Once again thank you all for sending your love and prayers for Deb, I am so grateful to you! Promise me that if I can be of any help or consolation in your own lives, you’d never hesitate to contact us in regards to most anything!

We have the test to be run today that will confirm the findings of the Pet Scan test. Only a 5-10% chance that it could be wrong, BUT at least we’ll know one hundred percent by late tomorrow afternoon. We’re both ready for the outcome, and ready to get started on our journey of whipping this thing!

Thank you guys for coming back and seeing us again today, you are all so appreciated!

Have a wonderful day and God Bless!

Dub and Deb

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3 Responses to Jus Shootin’ the Breeze

  1. Bonnie Hollingsworth says:

    Thanks, Dub! You started my day off with a good laugh, and we can all use a good laugh to get us going! Now, about my brother. He is a law-abiding, story-telling, good guy. His wife Mecca is a considerate, kind, thoughtful person whom I love and adore. My niece was raised by two great parents, that I KNOW wouldn’t tell her a fib. Therefore, I think I’m older than my mammy and pappy told me. I think I will go and meditate now, and see if I can remember where I was when I packaged up those okra seed for Gen. Robert E. Lee to pass out to YOU!

  2. Barbara says:

    What a fun column to read today. Thanks guys. Dub, I hate to tell you, but I think Bonnie and Kunoichi can give you a good run for your money when it comes to telling tall tales.
    You and Deb are in my prayers. Peace and strength.

  3. Kunoichi says:

    Oh my goodness, but I got a good laugh when I saw “Jus shootin’ the breeze” as a title, then you started talking about goliath frogs. You see, my older daughter had read over the post and my comment about the tadpoles last night. She was less than 2 yrs old when we lived in Victoria and saw those tadpoles. Then she told me about her best friend’s grandmother. He was born on Vancouver Island, too. I don’t know exactly where his grandparents lived on the island, but he remembers visiting her and seeing her shooting goliath frogs from her porch with a .22 rifle! Not quite “shootin’ the breeze,” but close. ;-)

    As for grasshoppers, you ought to see the ones we’ve got out here. ;-)

    I love your story about getting okra seeds from General Lee! Yes, I can sure see that sticking in your memory!

    As for turns of phrase, I guess every region has their own, but some places are just plain more interesting than others (have you ever heard a Newfie? I could listen to them talk all day! I might not understand half of it, but I’d sure enjoy it. *L*) I’m afraid where I live is pretty darn boring when it comes to descriptive speech – but then, I may be so used to it, I just don’t notice it! Glad to know I’m adding a bit of levity to your day as well. It’s always a good day to make someome smile, and you guys make me smile every time I visit. :-)

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