Reader Comments for Coverin’ the Bases

From: Barbara
Hi Dub & Deb,
Love your new site. Congratulations on your success. I live on the North Carolina coast and went through a series of hurricanes in the late 90s, as well as having to “suit up” for several since then that bypassed us. I thought a few things that I learned might be helpful, as we had extended periods of time with no electricity or water:

  1. Gas cookers; a gas grill or just a cooker on a stand like you can use for canning outside. Always have extra propane tanks on hand.

  2. Battery drawer: I keep a drawer just for batteries and go through the batteries at least once a year to make sure they’re still good. I keep several Coleman battery lamps in operable condition.

  3. Camping shower: Can put water in the bag in the morning, sit it in the sun and have a warm shower at night.

  4. To prolong the cold temps in your freezer, put freezer bags of water in the freezer and let it freeze. It can also be used for drinking or cooking after it thaws.

  5. Learn to use less water. We learned to survive on a gallon per person.
I could bathe, brush my teeth and flush the toilet with the same gallon of water.

  6. Invest in a camping potty. Hate using them, but they are good to have in prolonged outages.

Hope these are helpful.
Keep up the good work.

**Hello Barbara, and thank you once again for the great comments, and tips! It’s readers such as you that make this all worthwhile. You’ve shared recipes, and now tips for getting by in a tough spot. It takes someone who has experienced these types of situations to really understand the ins and outs of being in such a predicament. But it’s the knowledge the experienced share that makes the adjustment for those who haven’t lived it, so much easier.

Thanks you again Barbara, and please keep dropping in to visit!

God Bless!

Dub and Deb

From: Bonnie
Finally remembered: Concord is near Charlotte, only about 3 hours away. If you get there, gimme a call! You are welcome at the little shack anytime!

**Bonnie…how are ya? I promise you, next time we go to “Sissy’s,” we’re coming to see you two. Just make sure you have some of that sweetbread canned, and you got yourself a date! Thanks for the invite!

Dub and Deb

From: Bonnie
We can a “gob” of soup every year. Also canned extra ‘taters. Have venison and even ground chuck canned. Long, tired day? Come home, dump a jar of ground chuck, one of ‘taters and one of soup mix. Bring to boil and chow down. Will get back to you on canning soup! have a smiley day, y’all. We’re off to the thrift store where we are volunteers; proceeds go to help feed elderly, disadvantaged, etc., and we enjoy being a part of it. Might need it someday ourselves. Have a smiley day now, and try to keep `yoselves’ out of trouble! BTW, our gas is also stored with Stabil. Later!

**I’ve already tried to tell Bonnie this thing’s gonna end up BONNIE, Dub and Deb’s, if we ain’t real careful! Instead of slowin’ down some ,shoot, she’s wide open now!

Thanks for all you are doing Bonnie, we appreciate it, and I know the readers do, too! Your Apple Bread Recipe with the direction on how to home can, well, it was a homerun…outta’ the park!! You’re outstanding in all your comments, tips, ideas, recipes, and just “shootin’ the bull!” Ole Steve sure has himself one character, I’m here to tell you!

Also, your work at the thrift store is very commendable! Keep up the good work!

Come back anytime!
Dub and Deb

From: Larry
Our family went to Pensacola and stayed in the civic center there.  We returned that evening about midnight.  It’s 95 miles to Clermont Harbor from Mobile and we only saw one light the whole distance.  When we finally arrived at Waveland there was nothing but silence.  Waveland lost 85 percent of its structures and our Clermont Harbor lost 100 percent. The first three blocks of homes were piled up  on our block.  There was only Red Cross at a school with food.  We stayed with a friend in the country then my son-in-law’s company in Pensacola sent us a camper to stay in.  There was no gasoline, lots of ice and MRE’s  but a fuel shortage, that was the biggest problem.
    The biggest problem for recovery was the insurance mess.  If you didn’t have flood insurance you were doomed.  People outside the flood zone didn’t buy it because “it would never flood here”. It did.  

**Hey Larry, and thanks again buddy!

Larry was caught in Katrina, and as you see lost their home, etc. This is a good example of how blessed most of us are, yet can’t see it. Sounds as if Larry and his family went through a very, very tough time. Here’s wishing you the best my friend, and please come back and visit with us.

How’s life now, pretty much back to normal? We’re sure hoping so! Take care Larry, and don’t be a stranger, okay?
God Bless you and yours!

Dub and Deb

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