We have simply got to bite the bullet in all these giveaway programs!

Good morning to you guys! How is everybody? We hope this finds all well, and finds you with happiness in your heart! We’d like to welcome you back again to Ridin’ Out the Recession!

You know we’ve been planting our gardens for the last couple weeks or so, and I’ve had time to spend with more of the guys who work with us lately. The last couple weeks we’ve been between jobs so they’ve been here on the place putting in a few hours.

We have two pretty good jobs lined up and approved, but we’ve had a lull between start dates. I’m hoping by next week we’re back in the saddle and humping it once more.

You all know Dale, from Tillin’ the Garden…and Dale and the Law fame, and a couple days back, we were sitting around talking.

Well, Dale’s from Ohio originally, but has lived in Florida most of his life, and if you pick at him and tell him he’s not a natural Floridian, let’s just say he doesn’t find that amusing. So…we pick at him a lot in that regard!

Dale and I, as I said were visiting the other day, and he mentioned he and his family had driven to California when he was a small child. Now I don’t know if they moved, or were just going to visit, but that’s neither here, nor there.

Anyway, I thought his story pretty funny and I’d like to share it with you.

Well, I believe Dale’s family back then was just like ours, and I’m sure many, many more…we just didn’t have much money. We all did the best we could, and that was the best we could do. We had something to eat, and clothes on our back, but not a lot of extra, if any…times were hard.

Dale said they’d reached Arizona, and they were driving the family car. He said the most vivid recollection he has of that trip was the Arizona heat. To him, as he recalled it, the hot air was just stifling.

Dale said once they reached the desert, it had gotten hot. He said they’d pulled into a gas station to top off, and his family had noticed the strangest thing. Dale told me that his family noticed almost everyone else had their car windows up!

They couldn’t believe it. They got to talking amongst themselves, and were trying to figure out why these others were driving around in such heat, but had their dern windows rolled up tight.

He told me they were throwing out all kinds of suggestions, and ideas over how people could do such as this? He said that finally, it may have been his Daddy that came up with the idea, that maybe it was like living in the South.

Down here in the heat and humidity, many people wear T-shirts under their outer shirt. Many believe, that by doing so, and you sweating, it helps to cool you down some. So in theory, those people in the other vehicles, were keeping their windows rolled up for just that reason.

They figured those people were sweating some, and by their clothing having moisture on them, it was literally cooling them down, plus they were probably from the area, and were acclimated to this type of heat as well!

Dale said with them being from so far away, they just figured how in the world could they argue such a point, when in reality they didn’t know how to deal with such heat, being from Ohio and all!

Well, after the family discussion on this topic, he said they were off to California once again, with every window in the car rolled up tight!

They hadn’t traveled very far at all, and he said that car was just like you were in an oven! They kept going, thinking that just any minute now, they’d start feeling a difference. They figured, that if indeed the sweat was to help cool them off, it had to start working pretty quick now, cause it was coming off every one of them…by the bucketful!

I asked Dale, man, what in the world possessed you guys to roll up your dern windows like that for? Are you sure all these other vehicles really had theirs up, or are you just getting your story crossed up?

Dale told me no, that he remembers it clear as day, and they found out just a little later what had possessed these others to roll up all their car windows. I asked why, because I couldn’t figure that out for the life of me!

He then told me, “Simple, Dub! They had air conditioning! We’d never heard of it before, and we sure didn’t have any in our car, I remember that!”
I just rolled, I thought it was hilarious!

To all you “younger generation,” readers, under a hundred or so, air conditioning was unheard of for a very long time! When it did finally become available, it was big ole’ units, that ran the whole length, from the driver’s side to the passenger side, mounted right below the dash! These things were huge compared to today’s standards.

They were extras, so many back then opted out of purchasing them, because first of all they probably didn’t have the money for such a luxury item! Then, they figured they’d got along without them all this time past, so…who needed ‘em?

So in reality, I’m sure back then there were literally, many, many people driving around, that actually were wondering, why in the world they were passing others on the highway, with their dern windows rolled up!

This was the same with houses too. Times were much different, and people just didn’t purchase anything that they felt only an extravagance.
Money was hard to come by, and our Country hadn’t become a “Nanny-State,” as we are today. You worked for what you got, there were no checks coming to the mailbox, because you felt entitled in some way.

Back then, that “entitled attitude,” would get you starved! You didn’t work, you didn’t eat, it was literally, that simple.

You grew gardens, you took care of most anything that came up, you didn’t “hire” someone to come fix something for you! The main reason being…you couldn’t afford to! But, neighbors helped neighbors, you swapped this out for that…you bartered.

If you didn’t have the money, you didn’t need it, and if you did need it, you saved until you could purchase it!

Without “rolling off” into something here this morning, we have simply got to bite the bullet in all these giveaway programs! It’s wrong, it’s destructive to the receivers, it’s a travesty to the taxpayer, and does not one thing good for anybody but our politicians, and their quest for more power!

This is truly a virus we HAVE TO bring under control. If not, this great Nation we all call home, will continue to spiral downward, destructed from within! We have got to start DEMANDING for our own sakes, my friends! The politicians, and the “have-nots,” as Alinsky called them, have SURE been demanding theirs for years now! Demanding mind you, for us to give more, and more, telling us how bad times are for these people, how desperately we need to give, and give some more! That we should FEEL OBLIGATED, mind you, to do this!

Well, when are you going to finally see this farce they’re all behind, is actually, literally stealing our money? Plus, they don’t care one smidgen for these people they call themselves helping. Do you really want to know how they’re helping? By continuing to demand more and more from the taxpayer, until finally…we’re all in the same boat…with absolutely nothing, and what’s sad… they demand, demand, demand, and we just give, and give, and give!

Did they listen to us over health care? Nope, passed it anyway. How about the Stimulus? That was going to KEEP our un-employment at no higher than 8%, remember? We then give the Unions a 20% stake in the car industry, these same Unions that contributed heavily in the fall of the car industry! That’s OUR money people, they’re just throwing it away!

It has gotten to the point, that an illegal alien has more rights, more programs, more care, right down to hiring more teachers, more police officers, more hospital workers, all to help “bridge the language gap!” But once more, buying votes to destroy our Democracy, and they’re buying them with YOUR MONEY!

Take a look at your parents and grandparents, if retired. How are they having to live today? These people paid into the system for years and years, their whole lifetimes! What do they get? I mean they contributed, for God’s sake!

But once more, you can just set foot into this Country, legally OR illegally, and you’re immediately better off than our own parents and grandparents! Men and women who ARE citizens of our Country, and ARE, or were, producers mind you!

Do you just not care anymore? I promise you all this. If we don’t start saying NO, NO MORE, we’ll not be Ridin’ Out a Recession. We’ll have “sold our souls,” and lost our Democracy, instead of passing this along to OUR children and grandchildren!

The choice is ours to make.

Thank you guys for coming back to visit us again, we appreciate all of you doing so.

I apologize for the rant, but sometimes it just builds up, and you have to turn it loose.

I love our Country, and hope I’ve offended no one, no one at least who are believers in our Constitution, and everything it provides! But I have to say this, if you don’t love our Country, then honestly, why are you here? Save us all a lot of trouble down the road, and simply go back home! How is that too much to ask?

Your own Country has its own laws and beliefs, and if I was there, I’d abide by them, so please quit coming to our home, and demanding we change for you!

It’s not only just those people, it’s all the far left too, perhaps more than anyone else, because without a doubt, they hate what America stands for! They want social justice. Where or when, in the history of the world, has this ever succeeded? Nowhere, and never.

And last but not least, it’s my own party, the Republican Party, many of whom feel they are indeed “entitled themselves! We’ve reached the “good cop, bad cop,” scenario in our Country today! We have little or no voice, and someone, somewhere has got to step up, and rally us once again! If not, “We the People,” will very soon become, we the sheeple!

Thank you guys once again, and God Bless!


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2 Responses to We have simply got to bite the bullet in all these giveaway programs!

  1. Sandra says:

    “I love our Country, and hope I’ve offended no one, no one at least who are believers in our Constitution, and everything it provides!”
    You have spoken for all of us Americans and Patriots. Thank you for the intestinal
    fortitude to speak publicly for us. We do not have a voice in the public arena, so
    thank you again. No offense taken.

    • admin says:

      Mississippi…how are you? Fine I’m sure!

      Thanks for the comments. I honestly just get so aggravated sometimes, man! I guess one of my biggest drawbacks is not knowing when to keep my mouth shut, but at my age, it just may be to late to change! See, I just did it again. I can’t believe I just used the word change!! Isn’t that what we kept being promised during the last campaign…yes, I do believe it is, and boy howdy, did we sure get it! I also feel, since you described it as being, “intestinal fortitude,” couldn’t that phrase be interpreted as just having a big mouth?

      No seriously, I am outspoken, but are very concerned with the direction we’re going as a Country. We better start ALL being vocal, or, we are facing very troubled times ahead! We DO need a voice! Somebody, please stand up!

      Anyway, how’s the ferns coming, and Sandy wants to know about “chicken manure tea,” would it be too hot? Awaiting word back…”Your Highness!”


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