Our Friend AP, and… “Revolution”

Good morning friends and we hope all are in good health. Deb and I are doing just fine, and wishing for you guys have a great work week.

Today, we’ll be sharing our good friend, AP’s latest “Revolution.” AP once more, is 92 years old, and writes his column in order to help educate others in regards to the political goings on in our Country today. He feels it his duty as an American to do so. Thank you AP, it is appreciated my friend!


“We welcome Islam in America. It enriches our country with Islam’s teachings of self-discipline, compassion, and commitment to family. It deepens America’s respect for the Muslims here at home and abroad and around the world. Today, Muslim Americans are a cornerstone of our American community. They enrich our political and cultural life, they provide leadership in every field of human endeavor, from business to medicine, to scholarships……..President Clinton

“As a student of history, I know civilization’s debt to Islam”…President Barack Hussein Obama

“For my part, whatever anguish off spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it…..Is life so dear , or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery ?…Forbid it, Almighty God !!!! I know not what course others may take, but for me, give me liberty or give me death!”…………Patrick Henry (1736-1799)

GEITHNER and the PRIVILEGE of BEING AMERICAN……..The Founders argued that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were rights that preceded government, not things to be granted by it……..Last week Treasury Secretary Geithner said that the “most fortunate Americans should pay more in taxes for the privilege of being an American.” This is an age-old view that our Founding Fathers rejected. First, they argued that the basic rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (economic liberty) were natural rights endowed by our Creator, not by government. Second, the governing powers do not out-rank the citizens. Rather it is the citizens who grant their “just powers” As Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence, governments are instituted among men based on their consent in order to secure the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The notion that a governing authority grants privileges to those it governs directly contradicts Jefferson’s declaration.

But it is the same notion that recently allowed HHSD to order religious institutions to pay for things they find abhorrent. THE Obama Justice Department felt the same way about religious institutions being able to give preference to those who shared the same faith, and was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court. This brings us to the third problem with Geithner’s argument a logical inconsistency. If being governed, or over-governed, is a privilege for American citizens, shouldn’t every one pay for the privilege? Why are more than half of American workers paying nothing at all in income taxes? If being an American is a privilege why is there a need for some to pay more, certainly all those privileged Americans should pay something.

“When I am abroad, I always make it a rule never to criticize or attack my own government of my country. I make up for lost time when I come home”

THE 60th OBAMACARE VOTE……the soon to be released report shows how rogue prosecutors defeated Ted Stevens……..Romney and Sanatorium have been arguing who was responsible for ObamaCare, since the Pennsylvania candidate supported Senator Spector who was once a Republican but voted for ObamaCare before changing party’s……but after March 15thbotrh can agree that the Justice Department delivered the needed vote..

March 15th is the day a federal court ordered the release of the independent report on Justice’s “systematic concealment” of evidence. Specially, the report ordered by Judge Sullivan, found that federal attorneys prosecuting the late Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, hid “significant exculpatory evidence which would have independently collaborated Steven’s testimony, and seriously damaged the testimony and credibility of the government’s key witness. “The feds reused to make available the Brady rule, which requires prosecutors to share exculpatory evidence with the defense the feds won conviction on ethic charges two weeks before Election Day. Stevens, a highly popular Republican in Alaska, lost a very close election to Democrat Mark Begin who went on to become one of the 60 votes for ObamaCare in 2009. Within months of the election, federal abuses came to light, and Steven’s conviction was set aside.

“There are a terrible amount of lies going around the world, and the worst of it is that half of them are true.”

NERO IN THE WHITE HOUSE….By Michael Massiie…..Chairman of the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives………Three significant historical events have been eclipsed by President Obama 1) Jimmy Carter will no longer be looked upon as the worst President in American history. 2) Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton will now be recognized as the greatest liars in presidential history. 3) Clinton’s stain on Monica’s dress, and what they did to the White House in general and the office of the president specially, will pale forever in comparison to the stain and stench of Obama…….Nixon and Clinton were liars, both to save their backsides. In the case of Obama, he lies because he is a liar, he doesn’t just lie to cover his miss-deeds, he lies to get his way, he lies to belittle others and to make himself look presentable, at their expense.

The Capital and White House were built with the intent of bringing in awe and respect to America and her people. I can tell you, since I have been with them on many occasions. The American people own these buildings, which Obama and his wife continue to debase with their pan-ghetto behavior. Many in America wanted to be proud when the first person of color was elected president, but instead they have been witness to a “congenital liar, “woman who has been ashamed of America all her life, while he and his wife view their life at our expense as an “entitlement”—while America’s people go homeless, hungry and unemployed.

‘Too build may have been the slow and laborious task of years. To destroy can be the thoughtless act of a single day”……

HARRY REID OPTS for POLITICAL THEATER on JUDICIAL NOMINEES……….Majority Leader Harry Reid has rightfully earned the reputation of a do-nothing Senate. More than 1,000 days have elapsed since the Senate has approved a budget. He is presently ignoring the House passed “JOBS Act”. Reid seems comfortable with Obama’s approach, suggesting more “illegal recess “could be coming. He warned “ we will have no alternative but to take action “Now is not the time for political theater, Reid, unfortunately, appears more willing to appease his liberal allies when he should be focusing on issues of job creation and gas prices.

Late release……REID REVERSES COURSE ON JUDGES…..Reid decided his political stunt on judicial nominees wasn’t working, mow will agree to a deal with Republicans to schedule votes for 12 district court nominees and two circuit court nominees before May 7, vote will be “up or down” on the Senate floor.

PRIME MINISTER CAMERON SEES BASEBALL GAME WHILE VISITING U.S.A…… $478,000 WAS THE COST……The trip on Air Force One for two 80 minute flight to Dayton, Ohio and back to Washington cost $179,000 per flight hour. When you factor in the additional expense of Marine One helicopter flights from the White House to Andrews Air Base in Maryland as well as security on the ground in Ohio, the White House advance teams, and the cargo planes to carry the presidential motorcade, the figure gets greater…….somehow it smells like a “political trip to Ohio”

THE UNITED STATES IS NUMBER ONE…..on April 1, JAPAN CEDES THE HIGHEST CORPORATE TAX RATE TO USA…….APRIL 1, is a date that every politician and business executive in America should circle on the calenderer, that is the date when Japan lowers its corporate tax rate to 36.8% from 39.5%. That is higher than Sweden, Russia, China, Mexico, Denmark and even France. Japan is now the third world’s largest economy, after the United States and China. Korea has cut its top corporate rate to 22 %, Taiwan to 17%, and Thailand to 20%. Hong Kong and Singapore have led the way with longstanding rates of 16% and 17% respectfully.

Yet for two decades American politicians have done nothing as the rest of the world has cut corporate taxes, leaving the U.S. rate 10 to 15 percentage points above the international average. Japan’s lost decade has turned into two: and Japan is not alone. Staggering amounts of public debt and stagnant economies have become a problem from the EU to the U.S. Despite 20 years of evidence to the contrary, the belief persists that deficit spending stimulates the economy. In Japan’s case, a low return on capital from massive, low yield government borrowing ensures a very weak growth. The borrowing must be halted by cutting spending, reducing subsidies, transfers to local government, and pensions for those who are able to work.

. “When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber”

THE CORPORATE DISCLOSURE ASSAULT, union and liberal activists are using proxy rules to attack business political speech……..Shareholders proxy season is coming up, and along with a new batch of politicalized shareholder resolutions. The underreported story this year is the flowering of a long planned political campaign intended to stop companies from exercising their right s to “free speech “that might influence government. Corporate directors need to know what they are up against. The campaign is traveling under the assumed name of “disclosure “which sounds innocuous and is hard for CEO’s and corporate boards to oppose. The specific target is to get companies to publicly disclose what the spend on politics— their donations to candidates or PAC’s, how much they spend on lobbying or government affairs, which industry associations they contribute to, and even in some cases the political contributions of executives. Groups like The Center for Political Accountability, whose work is funded by GEORGE SOROS’s Open Society Institute. The campaign has gained speed since the Supreme Court’s 2010 “Citizens United” ruling that restored First Amendment rights to unions and companies. Notice the goal isn’t merely disclosure, but to limit political activity by “trade associations” which means the likes of the Chamber of Commerce, or the Financial Services Roundtable, if companies can’t donate themselves, and can’t work through associations, what FREE SPECH DO THEY HAVE LEFT?

As recently as March 12th a self-described “large coalition “of labor and liberal groups announced a major national campaign to target corporations that contribute to Super Pac’s or non-profits, to influence the fall election. One tactic, a $25,000 reward to an employee who leaks that his company is making such political contributions. Bounty hunting for fun and political profit.

.There are significant changes in the labor market, including the liberation of 108 restricted professions……….It’s been a good month for Greece and the European Union. The Greek Government, the leaders of the EU, and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreed on a landmark economic adjustment program geared toward strengthening Greek’s institutional capacity, improving competitiveness, and creating substantial growth.. In addition, an unprecedented “hair-cut “with private sector lenders clears the way for the release of funds, this placing Greece well on the way to recovery.

The U.S. secretary of state should have more to say than simply that the anti-Assad forces will “somewhere, somehow, find the means to defend themselves.”………While the slaughter continues in Syria, the United States is in danger of making the same mistake made 20 years ago when we refused to arm the Bosnians. We left them at the mercy of the Serbs for three horrendous years, with well over 100,000 deaths, until finally, after the massacre at Srebrenica and thousands deader, NATO was forced to intervene directly and sent 60,000 peacekeepers.

While I have little pity for Syria as a nation, to strengthen the Syrian opposition is probably is no longer a possibility, since Russia, China and Iran solidly support al-Assad, and in the end, with Iran as it’s principle ally, Syria has been actively destabilized Lebanon, Iraq and the Palestinian territories, and facilitated the movement of suicide bombers to kill Iraq’s and Americans, and of course, the Israelis.

.It could be said that president Obama has never seen a tax hike he doesn’t like, whether it’s letting the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts expire, insisting on higher taxes for job creators, calling on Congress to raise taxes on the oil industry. But wait, there are even more tax hikes in his budget, adding up to a total of $2 trillion in higher taxes.. The OMB reports the tax hikes in areas other than the tax section, misleading readers into believing that the tax hikes are smaller than they are in reality. Among them is the “Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee”, better known as the bank tax. America doesn’t need $2 trillion in higher taxes in a time of a weak recovery. And they certainly don’t need them slipped through under their noses.. The President’s budget claims credit for tax cuts he doesn’t deserve, hides the true costs of the tax hikes he imposes, and punishes job creators instead of encouraging them to expand. CONSIDERATE IT THE PRESIDENT’S SECRET RECIPE FOR A WEAK ECONOMY.

THE EXPORT SUBSIDY BOOMERANG………..Helping some U.S. companies at the expense of others……….If you thought Fannie, Freddie an Sondra would teach Congress a lesson about politicized credit, think again. The Federal Export-Import is up for reauthorization, and the only question seems to be how much more taxpayer Washington wants to put on risk. If the GOP wants to have a principled battle about fiscal waste and market distortions, this is a good one.

was founded in 1934 to support trade with the Soviet Union, provides taxpayer-backed loan guarantees and other and other services to U.S. business, especially big exporters. A bi-partisan group has a bill pending in the o House to prolong the bank’s life through 2015 and raise its lending cap, to $160 billion from $100 billion. The House Financial Services waved the bill through in a voice vote last year, and is likely to get a floor vote this month.

This bill needs much more public scrutiny, starting with the bank’s mission. Exlm says it takes risks that “private lenders are unable or unwilling” to take. Question, why should the taxpayers bear risks that private banks are “unwilling to take. At the same time Exlm, also paints itself as a low risk enterprise. IT CAN”T BE BOTH……Exlm defenders note it has returned money to the Treasury since 2008 and had less than 2% historical default rate. But EXLM is essentially adopting the same strategy as the FHA, expanding its business, raking in more revenues and proclaiming that it’s LOW RISK. The bank has an environmental export financing program that has backed the likes of Solyndra, First Solar and Abound Solar.

The government has enacted laws that will stop the Muslim Immigrants from overwhelming the Dutch population. Immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language and the government will take a very tough stand for immigrants who ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law. The government will stop offering special subsidies for Muslim immigrants, as it is not the government’s job to integrate immigrants. The government will install new legislation that out laws forced marriages, and will impose measures that against those who wear their native clothes, specifically it will ban face covering, Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2013. The new law has many more restrictions; Holland has done that “liberal thing”, and has realized—maybe too late—that creating a nation of tribes will kill the nation itself. The majority of Muslim immigrants leave their countries because of civil and political unrest, “created by the very nature of their culture.” This gives a whole new meaning to the term DUTCH COURAGE, unfortunately Australian, American, UK and Canadian politicians, don’t seem to have the GUTS to do the same.

THE SUPREME COURT……….Today, Monday March 26th, 2012 the nine members of the court are hearing the pro & cons to the federal health care law, reporters have the opinion that the justices are eager to issue a ruling, and are unlikely to “punt. “I pray that politics will not be the deciding factor nor should the justices create legislation, the Founding Fathers had a reason for what is being judged, and the sitting justices have to consider those conditions under which the Founding Fathers lived, when they in their wisdom wrote the Constitution, realizing that all nine may read the language with a different pair of glasses. Of the 111 justices who have served on the Supreme Court, only a select few managed to see a legal horizon beyond the views of their contemporaries, often espousing views that did not reflect majoritarian values for decades. The 9 justices that follow , all exhibited an ability to rise above conventional thinking and prejudices and epitomize what constitutes the “right stuff” on the Supreme Court………the 9 justices are, John Marshal, Chief Justice,….. Charles Evan Hughes, Chief Justice,….. Earl Warren, Chief Justice,…… William Brennan, Associate justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Associate justice,…… John Marshall Harlan, Associate justice…..Hugo Black, Associate justice, Joseph Story, Associate justice……. Whatever the verdict may be, if it’s a 5-4 decision, the country will be divided, as it was with the abortion issue, at a time when the Constitution must be observed, and the rule of Law and Order must prevail.

AFGAN FAMILY WANTS JUSTICE……….Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales has been charged with 17 counts of murder, Bates a veteran of several tours, in all probability, snapped. But it still was murder, and the President sent his regrets, along with some compensation for those who died, and those who were wounded, amount of compensation close to $1 million dollars. Somehow this story just doesn’t ring a bell, tho by the time you read this there probably a line of lawyers with similar claims. What about the roadside bombs, that have killed many NATO troops and civil servants…..guess that’s part of having a war to free these oppressed people…..opinion, this volunteers Armed Forces is undermanned, their tours are quite different than those who served in WW2, where we were on 2 year plus tours, just carrying their packs requires being in shape…………….leaving Iraq without a contingent force will be tested in a very short time, which is planned for Afghanistan, leaving the Taliban to wrestle control from Katie and his gang of crooks….coops….FORGOT Karzai has offered a concession on night raids subject to advance review by Afghan Judges !!!!! The U.S. military considers night raids as their most effective way of degrading the Taliban’s COMMAND AND CONTROL INFRASTRUCTURE, with minimal civilian casualties, there were over 2,500 such raids last year.

What a shame there is a controversy over the proposed memorial, art and image. Eisenhower is an interesting case, although he was a great military leader, and President, he was not an heroic battlefield commander…..Many , as I do, believe that his legacy would be better served by establishing a scholarship program similar to a Rhodes scholarship. “IKE”was instrumental in the formation of modern Europe, as the commander of the Allied forces that liberated Western Europe, as the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, and as president during the COLD WAR with Russia, a scholarship in his name for students of America and Europe, helping students understand other countries……..seems to me it would be a better legacy for Eisenhower, than a bunch of stones cluttering up the Districts monumental core. Surely better than the monstrosity that Frank Gehry designed, this is questioned by many, including the Eisenhower family, as to memorialize Frank Gehry, a great designer.

THE MAGICIAN………..Don’t be distracted by the Republican road tour, the best show in town still plays daily at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. If maestro Barack Obama wins election this fall, we will have watched one of the greatest magic acts in the history of the United States. Standing before Congress in his State of the Union speech, Obama brought forth, “AN ECINOMY BUILT TO LAST”…Not the real one that we now have, but the one he plans to create after he is re-elected. Here’s how it works, in his right hand are the awful policy mistakes someone else made before January 2009. In his left hand is the economy he will bring to life after November. IN BETWEEN NOTHING!. You think you’re looking at the Obama years from 2009 to 2012, 8% unemployment, low growth, low investment-when whoa, it’s gone!

The best was yet to come. The president of the United States is making the world itself and all its troubles …vanish.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, North Korea – one by one. Mr. Obama and his lovely assistants can make the world’s problems seem to go away until he gets re-elected, it will constitute his presidency’s greatest illusion…..with a wave of his magic wand, I am gone until the next time we meet, see ya’ll in the funny pages. Stay well………AP

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