A Shout Out to a Few Friends:

Good morning once again. Isn’t life great? There’s a lot to be said for the old saying, “Stop and smell the roses.”

We all get so caught up in our lives that too many times we don’t heed that statement, just to… “stop and smell the roses.”

Deb and I both used to be terrible about staying in a run all the time. In our early lives together, we were trying to build a small business, keep the kids something to eat on the table, and in general, life was pretty chaotic! I’m sure you all can relate to these things.

Well, on account of Judi and Brian at the Canada Free Press, we started this column. We found it hard to believe that ANYONE might want to hear what Deb and I had to say about anything, but they inspired us to start this little endeavor, Ridin Out the Recession…in Miz Judi’s Kitchen.

Not only supported us in the belief that yes, people just might want to hear some of what we had to say in sharing our lifestyle with you guys, but also helped, advised, and basically were there for us in about anything that might could come up.

Even today, those two I know would support Deb and I in probably whatever we asked. They are two great people, and Deb and I have come to know and love them, like any other member of our family, because that’s exactly what they are…family!

Judi, Brian, AND the Canada Free Press…thanks for everything! You’re the best!

Now looking back, we have to say that by doing this our lives became very blessed. We got to interacting with many of you and it was a blast. Then Deb was diagnosed with cancer, and for a month or so, suddenly life was not quite so fun.

But, it is what it is, and we got our lives back to normal, or at least best we can for the time being. So many of you stepped up and bestowed your concern and prayers in our regard. Honestly, you can’t imagine how much that has meant to us.

I know without a doubt are posts suffered after her diagnosis, still do for that matter, and I really thought about not continuing it, with all the turmoil that suddenly appeared in our lives.
When I’d just about make up my mind to stop, we’d get such nice input from you guys, and well, I’d think, “Man, they honestly do care, and are concerned with our lives, yet they really don’t even know us.” THAT…inspired us both! You guys are just great!

With that being said, I’d like to turn now to a few other friends that we’ve met traveling this road. Life is a road, is it not? It’s full of twists and turns that have to be navigated carefully, then there’s time you hit a straightaway, and man, everything seems so simple and things just seem to fall into place. Straightaways, then twists and turns, but seriously…life IS what you make it!

Brian got us started doing some You-tube videos, and by doing so this opened up a whole nother network for us to meet and share with others scattered all over the world. This too has been amazing.
The sharing of ideas and knowledge are out there for all, and…at the touch of a finger…you’re involved. You can find answers to most anything you can imagine, and at the very same time meet some of the nicest people possible. It’s actually a gift to you every day, and if you look at it from that standpoint, in reality it becomes a blessing.

Today, we’d like to share with you some of the friends we’ve met who share willingly their knowledge, and what a terrific bunch of people they are.

We’ll be showing you a few videos these guys put out there to help us out in times like we’re living in today. All have good hearts or they wouldn’t be sharing like they do, and believe me, they’ve been a wealth of information to Deb and I both!

Without “bumpin my gums” any further, let’s take a look at some of these friends of ours, and their video’s!

The first that I’ll start out with is Diane. Diane lives in Iowa, and is very knowledgeable. Diane I believe is just about into a little bit of everything, and to be honest, I’m not sure if her battery ever needs chargin??

She seems to be the same EVERY time you see her and we know you’ll enjoy watchin some of her stuff!

Her video we’ll be sharing with you this morning pertains to our earlier statement…”Stop and smell the roses,” and I think her video sums this up quite well. We really enjoyed this, it’s almost soothing to watch…

Didn’t you guys think that was a pretty video? It was simple, yet very entertaining to watch. Diane does a really nice job with all her videos.

Our next guy is “THE GARDENER.” His name is Bobby, and he lives in Virginia.

Bobby is a great guy, a good Christian, and the guy has only one gear…wide open. He’s a working Trojan, and a good, solid family man to boot. I love watching Bobby, and what a wealth of information he is.

Bobby is who inspired Deb and I in the benefits of having a greenhouse, and because of Bobby, we bought one. We’re having a little delay in getting it put up because we’ve gotten really busy in regards to our business.

Although it delays the construction of our greenhouse, this work has come in during our slowest time of the year. So even though it causes a delay, it is work that was well received, and we’re thankful for it!

I’m going to show a couple of Bobby’s videos, and Bobby is one guy ya’ll really should pay attention to while he’s speaking! He is very informative, and quite “the man,” when it comes to growing vegetables off.

Let’s check him out…this is his new greenhouse under construction!

This next video is showing his seedlings, and his transplanting techniques. Really a nice video! About the 7:30 mark, check out his tomatoes that are producing now…IN VIRGINIA, during the winter! Great job, Bobby!

Is this guy inspiring, or what?? He has really helped Deb and I out through his videos, and in response to the things that Bobby has shared with us, taught us, and inspired us with, I felt that the least we could do was to give Bobby a “shout out video” thanking him for all he’s shared with Deb and I.

As you all know, I just might like to cut up, aggravate, or just pick at somebody. Bobby isn’t safe from such antics either.

With that being said, here’s our video response to Bobby, thanking him for his knowledge shared, and showing him, through his teachings, how much difference he’s made in regards to our own vegetables we’re now producing.

Thanks Bobby…we couldn’t have done it without ya buddy!! LOL!!

Next, we’ll share a video from Katzcradul. She’s very, very informed in regards to the dilemma in our Country, and has a ton of good, useful information.

She has some wonderful recipes, and seems to be just as nice, as the day is long. She’s only one more example of the tremendous amount of knowledge and sharing that is available to us all!

Check her out…the whole video is very informative, but check out around the 16:30 mark…a letter from…our government!

Wasn’t that good? Do you believe the letter asking about immunizations?? I too feel this is absolutely NONE of Uncle Sam’s business. Too much intrusion folks!

Well, we’re going to close out for today, but we’ll be sharing other videos from these guys, and even more of our friends. We feel they can help out every one of us, don’t you?

Thanks for droppin in to visit with us today, and God Bless! You already know how Deb likes to close out… “Keep a smile on your face, and one in your heart!”

Dern…I almost forgot one video…this is just a funny, haha, but appropriate in regards to my own political beliefs…

Dub and Deb

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2 Responses to A Shout Out to a Few Friends:

  1. Sandra says:

    Great youtubes, guys. Can’t wait for Deb to get into her greenhouse. Those little seeds and plants are just like babies to us gardeners.
    Merry Christmas to you and all.

    • admin says:

      Thank you Sandra, we can’t wait to get DEB in the greenhouse either!! LOL!! You guys have a very Merry Christmas, and here’s wishing you the very best in all things!

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