Ruthie’s Honey Hole and Cook Shed

Just a couple of videos for you guys.

The first is a video of my Mom’s or “Ruthie” as we all call her, showing her fishing hole, or as I call it, her “honey hole!” It also shows you two stories of my Dad’s three story dock he built, one story at a time! He’d build one, the water would rise and he’d build another storie, until he ended up with three stories of dock!

This video gives you a glimpse of Ruthie’s Cook Shed as well. This really turned out nice, and is just a great place to cook and sit around after a good meal and visit. It also gives them a good place just to go sit in the afternoon.

It’s built up under and old oak hammock, with really large cabbage palms. So there’s always shade to get out of the sun, and most times a good breeze too! They really made a good move in building this, and they both use it a lot.

The Cook Shed sits on the ole’ island I’d told you all about before, and it is literally a story in its own right with much history surrounding it, some good, and some not so good.

If you haven’t read about Ruthie’s Honey Hole and the island before, here’s the links to the stories.

Ruthie’s Honey Hole and Cook Shed

Here’s you another video to watch if you’d like. This one is at Deb’s house. I would say our house, but if she was to divorce me, it would indeed be HER house…them dern judges!!

We were up on the porch last night, just a coolin it, when Deb says, “I hear them pigs.” And about that time I heard em too!
I guess her hearing is so good on account of “back in the day” she’d be laying there in bed waitin’ on me to get home from the bar!

I know I came home real, real late one night, maybe bout 4 o’clock or so in the morning, and opened the front door real easy, quiet as a mouse. I got her shut back and locked up, and tip-toed off into our bedroom. Sat down on the edge of the bed, eased my dern boots off and got out of my shirt.

Everything is still A-OK as she’s still sleepin’ away! I stand up, slide my jeans down to about my ankles, then sit back down on the edge of the bed to take ‘em the rest of the way off. All is well! In like Flynn!

About that time Deb rolls over, looks up and me and says, “What in the world are you doing up this time of the morning Dub?”

Man I jump up off the bed, stand up and start pulling my jeans back on and tell Deb, “Just going fishing this morning baby! I’m just getting dressed, fixing to go a fishing!” Whew!

Now, if any of you guys believe that story, you sure don’t know Deb. I might have pulled some of that during my previous tours of marriage, but not on ole’ Deb, I promise you. First woman I’d ever seen put dern geese in our garage at night!

The reasoning was if I tried to slip out at night while she WAS asleep, before I could get in my truck and get gone, them dad-gum geese would go to just a raising cane, waking up the dog, which got to barking and in turn, got Deb up! I thought I was slick!

Anyway, these pigs in this video, have been coming up pretty regular. They’re eating corn from the deer feeder, then will come up under the oak where I feed the turkeys, and clean that corn up too.

There are a lot of pigs down here, but these guys have not been rooting up our pasture yet, so with that the case, they’re still being allowed to hang out.

We will probably go ahead and build a catch pen, but one big enough to keep them in, and then feed em out for about 90 days. I’ve been wanting to build a little smoke house and these guys may have just given me the incentive to do so!

By the way after Deb watched this video, she goes, “Dub, are you going to put that video up? You sound like you’re drunk or something.”

This she says to a man who hasn’t drank anything stronger than fruit juice in over 20 years! When I quit something I quit something, and you might better take note of that ole’ Deb-O, or I just might quit you too!

I know how to work her though. I said, “But Deb, I am drunk. I’m drunk on love!” BOOM….she was GONE! Works every time!

Piney Wood Rooters…Sausage on the Hoof

Thanks for coming, and God Bless!

Dub and Deb…if I don’t quit her!! LOL!

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One Response to Ruthie’s Honey Hole and Cook Shed

  1. Kunoichi says:

    The video with the pigs was really interesting! I’d heard about problems with wild pigs and the troubles they can cause (in our neck of the woods, it’s escaped boars that are a problem, to the point that the provincial government encourages people to hunt them all year).

    Once you’ve got yourselves some tasty pig meat, here’s an old Canadian recipe you might enjoy.

    These freeze up really well and don’t need to be defrosted before reheating. Just wrap them in foil for freezing, then when you’re ready for eating, open up the foil a bit to let out steam and put them in a cold oven. Turn the heat to about 300F – 350F (depending on how patient you are. ;-) ) and leave until heated through. For the last few years, we’ve been making these with about 30 pounds of ground meat. We only make them around Christmas, so we can leave them on the balcony to stay frozen. We don’t have enough freezer space for so many pies, even after giving some away as gifts.

    Mmmmm… pig! ;-)

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