Leave our Country’s Morals, Values and Standards alone

Good morning and welcome back once more…to Miz Judi’s Kitchen!
I would like to talk to you today about something that has been on my mind for a while now. I usually don’t talk about politics, but this morning I thought I would share with you a few things that I have been on my mind, and thought I’d see what you might think.

First off I love my Country, and I want my grandkids to know the same freedoms that I have always known.

Why do you think people come to America? You and I know, it’s because it’s the greatest Country on Earth, and you can do anything you put your mind to do.

So why when they get here, do they want to change everything that we stand for? Didn’t they just leave their own county for a better life, and to be free?

You came here of your own free will, we didn’t go there. If you’re not happy here, simply go back to where you came from. We don’t mind your coming, just leave our Country’s morals, values and standards alone.

Do you think for one minute, that if we were in their Country, they would feed us, clothe us, house us, cater to us, right down to making sure we had internet access or even seeing to it…we had a cell phone?

How about using the Arabic Nations as but one example? Let’s say we were walking down the street, and in passing, you were continually told, “God is great,” and this offends you. You think you might be able to file a protest with your community ACLU? I doubt it.

You’re in your home watching TV, and the elected official’s rhetoric is constantly based on religion. Could you demand the separation of “church and state?” I don’t think so.

If you were, say, a Christian, would they allow you to build your own church so you could celebrate your religion? You tell me.

But our leaders, if not for the outcry of our Nation’s citizens, would have allowed the same religion that was behind the 9-11 attacks, to build a Mosque, right down from the Twin Towers? This debate very well may still not be over.

Could you demand, if you were in one of their hospitals seeking care, complain that they don’t have enough English speaking doctors! ” Then have the audacity to start an issue over it, possibly causing a lawsuit, like so many of our illegal immigrants from “South of the Border” do? All condoned by liberal lawyers, La Raza, and all the other groups? Of course you couldn’t.

So in reality, you would have to learn their language, obey their laws, get a job to support you and your family, or you’d have to get out.

You know what? I agree with those Countries 100%! You see, this is their laws, their standards, their system. So who am I, as an immigrant, not a forced immigrant mind you, as I went under my own free will, to try and get them to adjust their beliefs to mine? I went there, not the other way around.

But here, the difference is, we let them come, and then give them just about everything they want. If we contest these actions, they demand it! Now they want us to change our standards to theirs, and our government is helping them do it.

What is wrong with us?

They tell us you must wear a seatbelt, this isn’t a choice any longer. You have to. But, you can ride a motorcycle and not wear a helmet. I can’t figure that one out. Does this make sense to anyone else?

So are we still in America, or do we just think we are?

I’m sorry about carrying on like this, this morning, but sometimes I just get so mad at what they are doing to our Country and our lives as well. I find myself wondering if they’ve forgotten how many great men and women have given their lives, so that we could enjoy the freedoms of living here in America, our home.

Sadly, I think we all know they’re aware of this, but they’ve come to the point, that they just don’t care.

So in closing, I would like for you to stop and take a few minutes to think about your children and grandchildren. We all know the freedoms that we have had and enjoyed for so long. Will our children be able to live their dreams? Will they be able to have the opportunity that we always had, to actually turn their dreams into reality? Or, will we be just like many other countries, and be told what you can have, and what you can’t?

We’re headed to the point in our Country, that if you look at the inner city projects, Detroit, Cleveland, Orlando, anywhere for that matter, you see the face of our Country’s future. Where everyone lives just like everyone else.
No hope, no desire, no future, not even a soul.

What are you and I, the parents and the grandparents passing on to our children? I don’t know about everyone else, but it’s really getting harder and harder for me to see the things happening in our Country anymore, and know we’re letting our children down.

What do we need to do my friends?

So till next time, keep a smile on your face, and one in your heart.

Keep our Country in your prayers, and may God Bless each and every one of you.


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3 Responses to Leave our Country’s Morals, Values and Standards alone

  1. Sandy Grant says:

    I could not agree with you more !!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I have a horrible concern for the hate tactics that are being displayed now………Some are turning into animals.
    Pray for our country !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • admin says:

      Good morning Mrs. Sandy!

      Wondered what happened to you, and glad to see you’re up and kickin! I was afraid that when you’d mentioned canning some cakes a little while back, and Deb told you I’d said, “Can a bunch”…we might come visit! Honestly I thought you guys had moved off…and left no forwarding address!! LOL!

      Sadly, we continue to allow socialistic views, through political correctness, “dilute” our morals, values, and even our freedoms! It’s a “power trip” Sandy…power, money, greed!How long do we continue to stand around with our hands in our pockets?? Time will tell.

      Listen, thanks so much for coming back to visit with us once more…we love having you!

      Dub and deb

      • Sandy Grant says:

        We are still here and waiting anxiously to get to can the first of my cakes and enough for you and us and as the ole folks say “Soups On”.
        Made Chicken Noodly Soup tonight and while I was cooking it thought………..wonder if I can “can” this. Do you think the pasta would cook to pieces?

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